What's New

May 30, 2000

I just recently received the uncut Trunks tapes in the mail and I have to say, they aren't half bad!  I'll do a review on them fairly soon, but in the mean-time I will recommend that you buy these tapes.  You can order them on-line at The FUNimation DBZ Store.

As for site updates, I've been working on DBZ Sagas alot recently, and have finally completed the Raditz battle.  Now the game stops at the point right after Piccolo shoots Raditz and Goku through the chest with his Makasenkpo.  I decided to let you people take a look at it and see what you think of it so far.  You can download the game at my games page.  Just click on DBZ Saga and save it to a file.  Then unzip it, go into the file, and click on game to play it.  Keep in mind that I'm far from finished with it yet and there are several things I intend to change with what you are playing now.  Go ahead and e-mail me and tell me what you think.  Any helpful advice on how I can improve the game would be welcome.

April 2, 2000

Just some news: the Garlic Jr. Saga will be premiering on April 8, 2000 on Cartoon Network as part of Toonami Full Cycle, where Toonami will take over CN for 24 hours.
March 24, 2000

I finally gave up on trying to finish my "Ginyu" game, so I just decided to put the unfinished product as-is on my site for your downloading pleasure.  I just got tired of working on it, and got caught up with working on the much better "Dragon Ball Z Sagas: game, which has already surpassed the Ginyu game in quality and time spent on it.  That game won't be available for a long time, but once it is I'm sure you nostalgic DBZ fans will enjoy it.  If you do decide to download the Ginyu game, keep in mind that it's not finished (I might do that some time in the summer) and it was my first attempt at creating a video game ever.  You might notice these flaws: very small levels, short battles, way too much dialogue (a mistake I did not repeat in DBZ Sagas), incomplete game (it only goes up to Ginyu as Goku and Jeice vs. Gohan and Krillin), and crappy graphics (that can be your own opinion.  Personally I think that while the background is fairly boring, the battle animation for the Ginyu Force is fairly well-drawn (if I do say so myself) and some of the attacks resemble their TV counterparts fairly well.  Go to the games section to download it.

  In DBZ news, Frieza: Namek's End and Garlic Jr.: Vanquished are now available at FUNimation and in movie stores around America.  Trunks: Mysterious Youth and Trunks: Prelude to Terror are available to pre-order at Suncoast for $16.99 uncut and Right Stuf for $17.96 uncut.  Pretty good deals.

  After seeing the whole Garlic Jr. Saga I have one word to say: suck.  These have got to be the worst Dragon Ball Z episodes I have ever seen.  The first few episodes were kind of funny, and mediocre in the animation department.  Then the episodes just started getting worse and worse.  The plot line seems to have been written by a monkey, tearing huge plot holes in the DBZ universe.  The animation disintgrated into what looked like two-year-old scribbles, plus they recycled the animation more times than I'd like to remember (I have the scene of Kami and Mr. Popo running away from the ex-Kamis burned into my brain).  The voices of everybody just got really bad, you can almost hear the actors getting tired of the retarded lines they had to say in these episodes (it seems like the FUNimation "gag" writers were taking one last fling with these episodes).  I shudder to think of these episodes being shown on T.V.  I'm sure these episodes will lose DBZ a substantial chunk of viewers.  If you haven't bought the tapes yet, then don't bother.  They suck monkey ass.  Just wait until the Trunks epsiodes come out, those are good.

March 6, 2000

I added three new links to the links page:  VegettoEX's Home Page, Vegeta Insane!!!, and Dark Ki: The Alternate Universe.  Go check them out, they're all top notch!

February 29, 2000

Just some news.  The release date for the first two Trunks tapes have been released by Funimation.  The episodes will be available on May 16, 2000.  The last of the Garlic Jr. and Frieza episodes will be available in March.  DBZ Movie #4 will be available in April.

  That's all, see ya'!

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