Season 1: The Vegeta Saga 1. The Arrival of Raditz 2. The World's Strongest Team 3. Gohan's Hidden Powers 4. Goku's Unusual Journey 5. Gohan's Metamorphosis 6. Gohan makes a friend 7. Trouble on Arlia 8. Home for Infinite Losers 9. Princess Snake's Hospitality 10. Escape From Piccolo 11. Showdown in the Past 12. The End of Snake Way 13. A Fight against Gravity...Catch Bubbles! 14. The Legend of the Saiyans 15. Black Day for Planet Earth 16. The Battle Begins... Goku, Where are You? 17. The Saibamen Strike 18. Nappa... The Invincible? 19. Tien Goes All Out 20. Time's Up! 21. The Return of Goku 22. Goku Strikes Back 23. Goku vs. Vegeta... A Saiyan Duel! 24. Vegeta... Saiyan Style! 25. Stop Vegeta Now! 26. The Battle Ends Season 2: The Ginyu Saga 27. A New Goal - Namek 28. Journey to Namek 29. Friends or Foes? 30. Hunt for a Dragon Ball 31. Who's Who?! 32. Touchdown on Namek 33. Face-off on Namek 34. The Ruthless Frieza 35. The Nameks vs. Frieza 36. Escape from Dodoria 37. Secrets Revealed 38. A Collision Course 39. Stay Away From Frieza 40 Zarbon Transformed 41.The Eldest Namek 42. Get Vegeta! 43. Vegeta Revived 44. A Heavy Burden 45. Immortality Denied 46. Big Trouble for Bulma 47. Scramble for the Dragon Balls 48. Arrival of the Ginyu Force 49. Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force 50. Time Tricks and Body Binds 51. The Relentless Recoome 52. Enter Goku 53. Goku... Super Saiyan? Season 3: The Frieza Saga 54. Ginyu Assault 55. Incredible Force! 56. Frieza Approaches 57. Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku 58. Calling the Eternal Dragon 59. Gohan Defeat your Dad!! 60. Captain Ginyu... The Frog 61. Password is Porunga 62. Piccolo's Return 63. The Fusion 64. Fighting Power: One Million?? ?. Gohan Attacks 65. Piccolo the Super Attack 66. Deja Vu 67. Frieza's Second Transformation 68. Another Transformation? 69. Dende's Demise 70. The Renewed Goku 71. The End of Vegeta 72. The Ultimate Battle 73. Clash of the Super Powers 74. Frieza's Boast 75. Bold and Fearless 76. Embodiment of Fire 77. Trump Card 78. Keep the Chance Alive 79. Power of the Spirit 80. Transformed at Last |