Adjust sound here....

My focus for the last four years has been on creating graphics using Paint Shop Pro ..I started in 123PSP in September of 2000 until March of 2004. I left there, had a rest...then joined the Creative Graphic Artists in October of 2004. I started an HTML course at BuddingHTMLGuru's on January 15, 2005 and am working on my final of a four month course. I have met a lot of friends over the years...

My appreciation to all who have worked on any of these pages,and should anyone want acknowledgement, please e-mail me. Grab a coffee, pull up a chair, and enjoy! <

I'm giving away my age but I grew up in the 50's with Elvis and the birth of Rock & Roll. He is as popular today as he was 50 years ago. I did the image below based on a tutorial..last month.

A website offers a place to "showcase" our art. The image below was done by me loosely based on a tutorial at Creative Graphic Artists.

Poetry DisAbility Sports
Graphics1 Graphics2 Graphics3

These pages are best viewed With Internet Explorer. Some browsers "read" code differently.

Talk to me!*S*

Please take a minute to sign my book & follow the links on my site.There are some awesome sites out there!