The Country Bear Playhouse is in terrible danger of becoming just another memory of Disneyland!
Please help us keep this from happening!
Check out the current news!Last updated 4/10/99
Send in your experiences at CBP!
brought to you by Jeremy Riney from
Operation: Preserve Disneyland


    The rumors are that Disney will take out the Country Bear Playhouse in order to put a Winnie the Pooh ride in it's place. Don't get us wrong, we love Winnie the Pooh, but we don't think that Disney has to take out CBP in order to put in a Pooh ride. There is room in the park for another ride of that sort. A very nice spot would be where the Skybuckets used to stop at the edge of Fantasyland right before going behind Thunder Mountain Railroad. That hasn't been used for a long time and would be a perfect spot for the Hundred Acre Wood.

Important Links:
Save the Enchanted Tiki Room! Operation: Preserve Disneyland
Keep McDonald's Out of Disney Parks Support Atlantis
Promote Paul Pressler! Yesterland
Save the Swiss Family Treehouse Save the Country Bear Playhouse-other

Please help us keep the Country Bear Playhouse alive by mailing letters to these addresses and letting them know how you feel. Please be polite. Rudeness isn't treated very well.
Addresses are U.S. Mail
Mr. Michael Eisner, President 
             The Walt Disney Company 
             500 South Buena Vista Street 
             Burbank, CA 91521
Mr. Roy Disney 
             C/o The Walt Disney Company 
             500 South Buena Vista Street 
             Burbank, CA 91521
Mr. Paul Pressler, President Disneyland Resort 
             Disneyland Resort 
             1313 South Harbor Blvd. 
             Anaheim, CA 92803
Mrs. Diane Disney Miller (Walt's daughter) 
             C/o The Walt Disney Company 
             500 South Buena Vista Street 
             Burbank, CA 91521
Please also try writting to your local newspaper or emailing Disney using this EMAIL FORM. If possible, please write because Disney seems to take it more seriously than email. Thanks for your support!

Email us your experiences/stories at the Country Bear Playhouse!
Feel free to email your opinions about the site to us!
 If you also need more information or have any questions, please email Jonathan McMullen or Christina Stevenson

Current news:Last updated 4/2/99
Castmember reports about CBP
Positive Negative
6 1

April 10, 1999:
     We'll be going to Disneyland on Sunday April 11. So we should have more news....hopefully good. :) Also letting you know that the email server that the petition names goes to is a acting weird as of late, and we can't get in to check mail. We'll update the names as soon as those problems get worked out. Sorry about that. More news after Disneyland. ~Jonathan and Tina~

April 2, 1999:
     Well, over the last couple months we've heard lots of different things about the Country Bear Playhouse. I still hear persistant rumors of the CBP ending after summer, but practically all the Castmembers at Disneyland that we've asked have told us otherwise. :) The last CM named Geoff that worked at the CBP when we asked him about CBP being taken out after summer....said, "NO....Never.. not anytime soon." Obviously he can't say never, but we even told him that we would quote him and he siad, "OK" and smiled. I hope that the good news just keeps coming! Oh, a lot more petition signers that I still have to add....Until next time, bye. ~Jonathan~

February20, 1999:
     Sorry for the lack of updates. On a good note, we have had a ton...I mean a TON of petition signers as of late!!!! We've more than doubled what we had before. I need to say thanks to Mike for putting up a link to the petition from his Save the Country Bear Playhouse site! You can also go there for tons of multimedia stuff about the Country Bear Playhouse. The news as of late from Disneyland is the same good news. :) Hopefully more news soon. Bye for now. ~Jonathan~

January 6, 1999:
     Happy New Year! Well, a little late, but better late then never. :) I am going to add a page where you can read people's experiences/stories about the Country Bear Playhouse. So please, if you have any experiences/stories, email it to me or Tina and we will put it up on a page! As soon as we find a way to scan our pictures, we will add a page about us, and also add our own pictures of the Country Bear Playhouse. SO PLEASE SEND IN YOUR EXPERIENCES! Thanks.  ~Jonathan~

December 28, 1998:
     Hopefully everyone had a great X-mas! I did. Latest news on the Country Bear Playhouse is.....we were told that the reason that Pressler decided to close it wasn't cuz of his goodness (as I suspected), but because of "lack of money" from DCA and then after that, the new Atlantis ride that goes in place of the Submarines. So it should be at least another 3 years before anything happens to CBP. I hope he just forgets changing the CBP all together after that. :)  The petition is growing slowly but surely. Please let others know about this site! :) Bye for now. ~Jonathan~

December 5, 1998:
     We hope you had a good Thanksgiving! We still couldn't bring a camera. It was being used by Jonathan's parents again, but we have GREAT NEWS!!! Tina talked to another castmember and the castmember said that they WERE plans to close down the Country Bear Playhouse very soon, but Pressler looked at it and decided that it "wasn't time" for it to be taken out. Also told us that it would be up at LEAST long enough to see one more X-mas season! He said that of course it may not ever be taken out too, Pressler and Co. are thinking right now. I think Pressler really has another reason to keep it there(like maybe he doesn't have the resources to change it right now cuz of DCA), but it doesn't make a difference as long as CBP stays! :) Hope you liked that news! Oh also, as you can see I added a chart with the positive and negative castmember reports. Until next time. ~Jonathan and Tina~

November 20, 1998:
     Another trip to Disneyland, but again without a camera. Well, not exactly. I found my camera not working because it needs batteries, and my mom's camera had finished film in it and I didn't have the money to buy another roll at Disneyland. Hopefully I have better luck next time. On a good note, we talked to another castmember who worked at the CBP and he said that he had been working there for a long time and he would have heard of something by now, and as far as he knows, CBP isn't gonna close anytime soon. :) He was a really nice man, funny too. Well, more later, and please sign the petition! ~Jonathan~

November 9, 1998:
     Good news and bad news! First the bad news. We went to Disneyland, but I forgot my camera again! :( Sorry folks. I'll be sure to remember next time. Now the good news. Jeremy from Operation: Preserve Disneyland finished the PETITION! It should be working ok, but we'll see for sure in the next day or two. Please sign it! I hope that the petition will be as big a success as the one for the Tiki Room with Chris Wingert. More good news is that we asked another cast member that works at the Country Bear Playhouse and this time she said that there were no plans to close the Country Bear Playhouse as far as she knew(she gave us the impression that she has been there a while). We'll just keep asking cast members about it and hope that the positive ones are right. :) Sorry if some of our soon-to-come extras(like history of CBP and guestbook) come a little slow, but we're kinda busy with college too. So please Bear with us. LOL. Sorry lame joke. Oh yeah, the Country Bear Playhouse is now in it's X-mas program as well as the rest of Disneyland. We'll put more news up as soon as we can. ~Jonathan~

November 3, 1998:
     Well, we just got back from Disneyland and the Country Bear Playhouse is one of the attractions that closes early, so we didn't get a chance to go on it or to confirm from another cast member about the rumor. Next time though, we will make sure we ask another cast member about it. I'll email Jeremy and ask him how the petition page is coming along. That's all for now. ~Jonathan~

October 30, 1998:
     We'll probably add a guestbook so that you can comment on the site, and we'll probably also add, as soon as we can, a memories page where you can email in your memories and experiences of the Country Bear Playhouse and we'll post em on the site. We might even make it a contest....not sure yet. Keep mailing Disney and checking back here for updates! :) ~Jonathan and Christina~

October 27, 1998:
    Jeremy Riney from Operation: Preserve Disneyland has offered to make a petition page for our Help Save the Country Bear Playhouse project, and should have it ready by the end of the week. Thanks Jeremy! Soon to come: History of the CBP and hopefully sounds. :) Keep checking back.  ~Jonathan~

October 26, 1998:
    We're going to put up a petition for you to sign and we'll send it in to Disney. Hopefully we can save the Country Bear Playhouse just like Chris "Disneyguy" Wingert saved the Tikki Room with his petition. We'll take a few pics of CBP and put them on this site soon. Please check back for new updates! ~Jonathan and Christina~

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