What's Up???

What do you want to know about me???
Well......"I'm just a girl standing infront of a boy and begging him to love her." ..Julia Roberts..

Wanna know more???

               I hate snakes....
                I hate Mariah Carey.....
                I hate Jewellery....
                I hate Titanic......
               "My heart will go on" makes me wanna puke.....
                I hate pink and yellow
                and I hate bigots.....

Not enough yet???

        "Sleepers" and "Usual Suspects" are my favourite movies.
         I think Toni Braxton is really sexy 
         and also Mathinee Kingphayon (Luk Kaed) is.
         "All My Life" is my all time favourite song.
          Christian Slater is the man of my dreams.
Cats are my best friends.
        I always want to have a Jack Russel Terrior.
        I love music. I listen to all kinds of music.
        But I don't like Heavy Rock that much. So noisy.
        R&B, Rap, Hip Hop are my favourites.
        I love to watch Friends and Dawson's Creek.
        Joey(from Friends) and Pacey are my favourite characters.

If your likes and mine are the same, you sure will love to see the links below.
Robert Deniro
John Malkovich
Gabriel Byrne
Kevin Bacon
Winnona Ryder
Katie Holmes
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