Name: PRRed1

Interests: The net,TV, video Games. My favorite shows are Power Rangers, Buffy The
Vampire Slayer, Felicity and Charmed. As for other things, Im usually up for just about anything fun.

Hobbies: Well, my only real hobby is collecting episodes of Power Rangers. I currently have every episode of Power Rangers except for the two Christmas episodes.
I used to collect Batman comics, but that got way expensive*grin*

About ME:
I am a 20 year old, and i spend a lot of my time going between college and my job. Other than that, im usually here in front of the computer working on this site, or chatting with my great bunch of friends or watching "Power Rangers", or "Buffy". I first got interested in PR way back in the first season of MMPR. I had heard about the show, but had never really taken time to watch it. One day, fwhile i was flipping through the channels on TV, I came across the ending to "Green with Evil" part four. What I saw intregued me, so I tuned in the next day and from that point, I was hooked. I started taping episodes when they re-ran "Day of the Dumpster" and I have been taping them ever since. I now have 26 VHS tapes of nothing but PR! A few years later, I got on the net, and with a little inspiration from my friend, AstroRanger, The Power Rangers Info Source was born!

Personal Message: Show kindness to all that you meet, cause you just may find a friend.
and never take anything for granted, cause few things last forever.