Welcome to my Guestbook!Check out what others had to say about the info source

Babs - 04/30/00 05:55:50
My URL:http://avongal.tripod.com
interest: James of Team Rocket!!!!!!!!!
how you got here: um, I clicked the little mousy button and whoosh! here I am!

Thhhhpppt! Just kidding! Can't wait to see the place when you update it. Remember: 6.5/8 inches!!!

Sylver Rose - 03/26/00 02:07:45
My URL:http://home.cfl.rr.com/sylverrose
My Email:sylverrose@cfl.rr.com
Age: 26
interest: PR, STV
how you got here: turned left


I came, I saw, I conquered!! Love ya!

omar - 02/25/00 18:44:14
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/judidench/898
Age: 15
interest: power rangers
how you got here: just surfet on it

your site is really intreasting

CHARLES - 06/08/99 15:56:13
Age: 11
interest: SPACE
how you got here: INTERNET


Jesco - 06/03/99 19:47:35
My Email:powerranger@siao.com
Age: 17
interest: pc, powerrangers
how you got here: by webring

Realy a great page, for fans like me, especially the "future"-section.

Jesco - 06/03/99 19:46:10
My Email:powerranger@siao.com
Age: 17
interest: pc, powerrangers , ...
how you got here: by webring

Really a great page, especially the "future"-section.

patrick - 05/17/99 09:28:48
how you got here: by internet

I like Cassie.

Patrick - 05/17/99 09:24:49
how you got here: by internet

i love power rangers tubow,space if Cassie is in it.

Archie Kao - 04/18/99 18:44:11

Brian- I just wanted to stop by and tell you what a great job you've done with this site. Joseph and Zach referred me to it, and it's always a pleasure to see great work like this! Best Wishes... Archie Kao

chris brandon - 03/30/99 23:11:05
My Email:blast@provide.net
Age: 24
interest: the next pr movie
how you got here: sufe dude

when do you update?

Falconfyre - 03/20/99 23:26:19
My URL:/Hollywood/Boulevard/4859/pirate.html
My Email:Falconfyre@hotmail.com
Age: 25
interest: yes *grin*
how you got here: Talking to friends :)

Ahoy, Red! Nice site, matey, keep up the great work! If ye need any help chasin' off scurvy knaves like that dolt who signed below, you let us Oliverettes and Oliverettos know. We'll keelhaul the sap! No one messes with our crew and mateys! *grin* C tch ye in chat, and be checkin' out this site frequently. Be well!

Patrick Chittum - 03/19/99 01:21:51
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/hotrodrd/patrick-firebird/Index.html
My Email:patrick_firebird@msn.com
Age: 24
interest: Sport Cars

Very nice homepage..please come visit me=)

jean.marc dupras - 02/03/99 20:03:57
My URL:http://www michel philippe
My Email:michel@philippe,tyric.inc.ca
Age: 21
interest: what to be white galaxy power ranger
how you got here: info source

dear galaxy ranger am helping you to find zordon wood you do me favour please thank you so much i got to go work at paper shuffle se you next time on power rangers lost galaxy

Romayne - 02/01/99 03:58:00
Age: 32
interest: WAY TOO MANY
how you got here: I KNOW PEOPLE..(HE HE)


androsuper - 12/28/98 22:30:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/2460
My Email:busath@bellatlantic.net
interest: Power Rangers
how you got here: Searched

This is a great site!

john doe - 12/24/98 05:08:51


Shane Brendan Sammy - 12/19/98 15:35:30
Age: 11 Years Old
interest: Power Rangers In Space

I think the Power Rangers In Space is COOL especially the Andros the Red Ranger when his Morphed into the red ranger with his Spiral Sabre And Galaxie Glider

Amy Kiel - 12/15/98 04:20:45
My Email:wookiegirl@gurlmail.com
Age: 14
interest: Star Wars, PRiS, X-Files, reading
how you got here: just surfed on

I have been on some of the other PRiS sites, and not all of them have had Zhane! I really enjoyed your page.

LARA ELMS - 12/10/98 03:33:14
Age: 26
how you got here: LINK


GreenGE - 12/07/98 22:36:17
My Email:greeneyes276@yahoo.com
Age: 22
interest: Power Rangers/ X-Files/ Walikng
how you got here: You invited me Red!!*smile*

Great page Red!! Well I got here finally.*grin* Oh and I read that rude comment from that LOSER and just want to say LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!! Um where was I?? Oh yeah. Keep up the good work. See ya in the chat!! Oh!! And if you found anymore clues please l t me know.*wink* Later!! :^)

T.J. - 12/05/98 02:56:21
Age: 18
interest: Writing, drawing, and watching way too much tv.
how you got here: directed in by way of the site owner

Hey Red, the site looks great. I can't wait to see what other great things you'll do with it. Keep up the amazing work.

Cat - 11/29/98 04:38:27
Age: 18
interest: Um...PR, reading, writing, taking pictures...
how you got here: You invited me here Red. *smile*

Hihi Red! Love the site. Now I can find out about all those years of PR I've missed. Thanks! *smile* This is a wonderful website, and don't pay any attention to that person who posted that extremely impolite message. Oh, and *points down at Blue's m ssage* you don't mess with Blue's friends. *grin* Or mine, for that matter. *bares fangs* So, anyways, keep up the great work Red! Can't wait to see what else you do with your site. *smile*

TC - 11/29/98 04:03:05
how you got here: Invited by Site Owner

The site is off to a great start, Red!

Ed - 11/28/98 09:08:13
My URL:http://???
My Email:nikarro@hotmail.com
Age: 19
interest: Writing
how you got here: (I know the owner)

Hey, you done a great job on this, Your going to have to build me a website, I mean, you surpassed what I'd be able to do!!! And hey, get more pictures of the Pink Ranger.

TURBO - 11/26/98 22:01:32
Age: 26
how you got here: LINK


AstroRanger - 11/25/98 05:01:36
My URL:/Hollywood/Makeup/3215/
My Email:astroranger@geocities.com
Age: 17
interest: Power Rangers, Buffy, and Felecity
how you got here: Link

To PR Web Surfer, You know, for a 27 year old, you sure do talk immature. Instead of coming to a friend of mine's website and saying that he stole pics, how about going to other sites where some pictures have ACTUALLY been stolen. But of course, you wouldn't know anythin about stealing pics, since you don't have a site. And that ''How you got here comment'', by accident remark, I feel sorry for you, you have no consideration for people sites, you need to open your eyes, this is a great site, you probably do not have any taste. Anyways, Amit is a great person, I've asked to use pictures from his site and he humbly said yes. You need to get your facts straight before you come and bash somebody's site because obviously, you do not have the skills to make one, when you can make one, then you can start criticizing.

Brian Chittum - 11/25/98 04:21:56
My Email:RedSpaceRanger@hotmail.com
Age: 19
interest: Buffy, Power Rangers
how you got here: I am this page's webmaster

To PR web surfer I don't appreciate the rude comments you have made in this guestbook ( why you did not just e-mail) I will never know.) Yes, I took pics from the PROA, with permission from Amit Bhaumik. EVERY pic that has been used thus far has been with permission of their respective owners. While this page may be simular to the PROA, it is done in a different style and therefore is not a copy. I am in no way trying to rip off any PR webmaster. I simply wanted to make a page about the PR. If you wish to continue this discussion, E_MAIL!

PR web surfer - 11/24/98 07:56:24
Age: 27
interest: Power Rangers
how you got here: Accident

Man, what's with all the images from other websites? Why not just put a big link to the Power Rangers Online Archives (http://www-scf.usc.edu/~abhaumik/) and say it's your page? There ain't a damn thing that's original here.

SNDelphine - 11/16/98 02:42:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/MUSES/
My Email:tuna50@bellatlantic.net
Age: 19
how you got here: From the power core chatroom

Nice page red! (^-_-^) +/ \+ _\ /_

KJ aka Callisto - 11/14/98 16:46:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/9353/
My Email:callisto_33@hotmail.com
Age: 16
interest: writing
how you got here: from your link in the chat room

This is a great site. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you're finished with it.

JT - 11/14/98 16:34:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JTWVL/SelwynWard_PatriciaJaLee.html
My Email:JTWVL@aol.com
how you got here: Astroranger's PRIS page

nice page you got, so far!

Black Space Ranger - 11/12/98 20:11:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/1756/
My Email:Voyagerzord@hotmail.com
Age: 19
interest: Power Rangers
how you got here: webring

I like your webpage. It's pretty cool! If you're having any trouble's finding the pictures you need, you can borrow some from my webpage. It's still under construction, though. So most stuff is going to take a little time to get in the works. Good lu k, and may the power protect you.

Harold Dann - 11/12/98 02:04:38
My Email:DARKSTARrt@aol.com
Age: 17
interest: power rangers


AstroRanger - 11/10/98 03:40:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/3215/
My Email:astroranger@geocities.com
Age: 16
interest: Power Rangers, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Felecity, and N64
how you got here: By a Friend

Nice Page Red. Can't wait to see all the awesome stuff that goes up in the future.

Jason Polski - 11/08/98 15:58:27
My Email:redranger16@hotmail.com
Age: 16
interest: TV!
how you got here: PR Message Board

Nice webpage, I can't wait to see the finished product!

Karen Krebs - 11/05/98 00:57:42
My Email:KarenKrebs@juno.com
Age: older than you
how you got here: your directions

Make sure you do a spell check before you complete this web page, I seen a mistake. Be sure to set this up within reason, at no cost to us. Make sure of what your doing. Get my drift? Love Mom

Steve Folger - 11/02/98 05:17:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SuperSteve/BrownRanger.html
My Email:shelbyjean@olg.com
Age: 32
interest: Movies and Power Rangers
how you got here: Chat Room

Like your website. Can't wait to see more soon.

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