December 19, 2000 - Click, click.

Aah, the festive holiday sound of removing more unwanted pages! :D Okay, folks, here's the news:

MagicianX's Digimon fic Ticketed Items Only is now posted in the fanfiction. If you haven't read it, it's certainly new to you. Be sure to e-mail him and give him a compliment. He's been here longer than I have, if you can imagine that. o.o

Fanart section is also updated thanks to another strong supporter, SS-Jin Venus. Please check it out and also give her a compliment! We live for these things.

Anthro/Furries & Original updated with some shtuff. Go ahead and check 'em out. :D I'll supply the blindfolds for your use. . .

Quite sorry, MaX and Venus. n.n; I'm a lazy bum with too much stuff to do besides my webpage. Gomen! I'll take you two out to lunch, I swear.

For a note to those, I'm having some problems with my Paint Shop Pro, so some of my stuff won't be posted until I can get that fixed. Shouldn't take long, though.

Happy holidays, nonetheless!



- Best viewed with an Internet Explorer 5.0 browser.
- 1024 x 768 pixels.
- Good eyes. You might be switching from black and white backgrounds often.
- Knowing some Japanese...
- An open-mind.
- And an interest in the arts.