
Emode's Personality Test.
basically a smart, shrewd, loner. For you, a lifetime in
solitary confinement sounds pretty darn fun as
long as they serve ice cream. That way you could ponder
life's mysteries without anyone bugging you. But to those
lucky enough to know you well, you're a deeply caring
person full of energy and ideas. We wouldn't be surprised
to hear that you collected stamps as a child.
On a personal
level, you're sensitive. You worry too much about how you
compare to others, and your mood suffers under such
intense personal scrutiny. The flip side is that you feel
extra happy when things go well. You'd rather stick with
the familiar than deal with strange new emotions or
environments. But other times you feel confident and
spontaneous and have to suppress your desire to belt out
"Copacabana." Let's just say you're kind of
like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
you like to work in a cubicle and eat lunch at your desk.
You like structure and order, so you won't be disturbed.
You like to concentrate on the task at hand and avoid
distractions, or else you can get frazzled. But most
importantly, your critical eye means that your final
product is always top rate (even if you don't see it that
way yourself).
General Shtuff.
Name: Nikku
Birthdate: The 17th of June, during the year of
one-thousand nine-hundred and eighty four.
Location: You know! That lil' place on the map. :D..
yeah.. I don't know where it is eithe, harhar.
Gender: Yes, genders are nice.
Age: Sixteen.
Nationality: "I think I'm turning Japanese, I think
I'm turning Japanese! I really think so!".. roughly
Shoe size: I have no shoes. Boots, maybe, but no shoes.
Eye Color: They would be green..
Hair Color: It would be jet black with blue
streaks in the front..
Hair style: Long, a touch of wavy..ness..
Height: The tall kind..
Glasses: ::chucklesnortchuckle:: Shyeah.
School: What about school? :o School sucks? What?
Hobbies: Hmn.. hobbies, eh? Well, I enjoy cuddling a bag
of Nacho Doritos and sitting by my warm, brightly glowing
computer monitor, reading a fanfic now and then. I like
to doodle and the such. . . Going to Anime Conventions
are always fun. Yeah... I'm pretty boring. :B
Best friend: Mmhm. Amanda.
Relationship: :B Evil?
Food: Tenju..
Tendon, otherwise. A Japanese rice dish topped with fried
prawns, hinted with a sweet sauce. *-*
Drink: Coca Cola.
Candy: Hmn. I need more candy. Uhm.. Takenoko no Sato,
Koora Gamu, and Pocky. And most of you probably have no
clue what I'm babbling about... save for some Pocky
Restuarant: Sushi Tsune.
Store: Toyoshokuhin. A Japanese grocery store.. go there
quite a bit. :D
Color: Burgundy.. yes, lots of burgundy. Burgundy,
burgundy, burgundy!
Anime: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Tenchi Muyo, Seera Myuun,
Dejimon, Yamakuni's Family Problems, Escaflowne, Oh! My
Goddess!, Slayers, Those Who Hunt Elves, My Neighbor
Totoro, Mononoke Hime, Blue Seed... there's more where
that came from, trust me.
Movie: The 5th Element and... Pleasantville. Great movie.
CDs: Erm.. lots again. Utena Soundtrack, Fiona Apple,
Alanis Morisette, 5th Element Soundtrack, Bjork,
Portishead, Marcy Playground, The Cardigans. The list
continues, so I'll spare you... for now.. mwaha!
Song (currently): I'm Like A Bird by Nelly Fertado.
Quote: "Dahershka!"
Atheist, mostly. I sort of find myself playing part in
the teachings of Confucianism.
Reincarnation: Oh, sure. Why not? :D
Translator. Maybe. o.o
Travels: Hopefully I'll get around to going to Europe
this summer... and maybe I'll get to go to Japan as well.
Home: A small, cramped apartment in Japan. Sounds
tempting, eh?
Car: VW beetle... black and specially customed. Yummy!