A Night Filled with Madness, Craziness, and Hysteria

By Lisa
Carefully avoiding the mud and bits of trash, a young duck makes her way through a junk yard. She fingers the scraps as she walks down the water covered dirt path. As she searches for useful bits and pieces she can use to rebuild an old classic car she has been working on she discovers a small device. She picks the thing up and looks it over quickly. "Looks kinda like a pocket radio." she says to her self. "I wonder if it works..." As she says that she presses a few buttons. Suddenly she sees a small flash, a few sparks, and then she hears the crackling of static. "I probably can fix this." She said and put it inside a large, nearly full bag she had. After searching for another hour or so she carried he bag to the front gate, paid for the stuff she found, and carried it home. ------------------------------------------------------ She walks to her back door with the heavy bag flipped over her shoulder. Once she got to the door, she pushed it open with her foot and walked quickly to a large table in a small room. She then dumped the contents of the bag onto that table. She looks the rubbish over and once more that small device caught her eye. She picks it up again and this time she sees the words 'Puckworld Military' written on it. She shrugs and carries it to the garage. ------------------------------------------------------- After working on it for a long time she had straightened out the gears and wires and only had to put the back back on. Carefully she places the screws back in there holes and tightens them. "There, all done." she told herself and then pressed a few buttons. "Nothing happened." she said and then tried pressing another button. This time a small clock lit up. "well, it's working at least. I'll have ta figure out how to work it later, right now I have to get ready for work." she said and put the thing down, turned out the light and walked out the door. ------------------------------------------------------- It was now ten till 11:00 pm. It was her turn to work the grave yard shift at 'Auto Pals', a small car repair service at the edge of town. After running the brush though her hair one last time she picks up her keys and walks to the garage. -------------------------------------------------------- As she unlocks the door of her pick up truck she hears a low buzzing, at first she ignores it but it starts to get louder and her curiosity finally gets the best of her and she follows the sound to the small device she had fixed earlier. She picks it up and looks at it. Her eyes widen when she sees the clock, it was counting down like a time bomb. 6, 5, 4 it read. She drops it and runs towards the door, but her effort was in vain. Right before she reaches it the counter hits 1. There was a bright flash and then she felt something pulling her back. She looks for something to grab onto, but nothing was in reach, slowly the portal pulled her in, then with another flash, it disappeared, and so did she. ------------------------------------------------------ It was a warm summer night. Duke and Nosedive were seated on the curve out side of 'Wiener World' eating. Nosedive had had a late night craving for a hot-dog with muster and Duke, being a night person, and being bored decided to join him for a mid night snake. As they ate the watched the couples walk out of the movie theater that was down the street. "That's what I need." Nosedive said as he wiped the mustered from his mouth. "What?" Duke asked, "A movie theater?" he said with a smirk. "No." Dive said, "I mean a girlfriend." "Unless you want to date Mallory, Tanya, or some human ya better keep dreaming kid." he said. Nosedive shrugged and said, "Well, dreams can come true." He then stuffed the rest of his hot-dog into his mouth and nearly choked when a gateway open and a young female duck fell on top of him. Duke jumped up in surprise and exclaimed "Guess you're right, dreams do come true!"