Brenda's Origin
by: Lisa
Setting: Puckworld. Two female ducks are walking down a street. The older one is wearing a black skirt that comes down to her knees and a white blouse. She has long blonde hair, pale blue eyes and white feathers. Next to her is a younger duck. She has on a purple jumpsuit with pink trimming and is carrying a fire sword. Her feathers are light grey, she has brown eyes, and shoulder length blonde hair.
Older Duck: I spend a ton of money sending you to girl schools and teaching you how to become a proper young lady and her you are taking dueling lessons!
Younger Duck: The stuff you want me to learn is boring! Besides you learned to fight, so why can't I?
Older Duck: That's different. The Saurians were attacking and I wanted to be prepared in case we ran into them.
Younger Duck: Well, what if they come back? ou wouldn't want me to be unprepar...
Older Duck: Brenda, will have no more of your foolishness. he Saurians are gone.
Brenda: But mother...
Right then a giant whilwind appears and pulls both of them into it.
Setting: The Raptor. The Chameleon leans against the control panel and accidentally pushes a button.
Dragaunus knocks the Chameleon to the floor.
Dragaunus: So help me, if you brought anymore ducks here I'm going to use your worthless hide for a seat cover!
Setting: The park. Wildwing and Betsy are watching the sunset together when they hear acrash in the bushes.
Betsy: What was that?
Wildwing: I don't know but it's over there.
He points to the bushes.
Wildwing: Let's check it out.
They make their way over to the bushes, ready to attack if necessary, and see a duck leaning over a yonger one.
Betsy: Who are you?
The Duck is startled.
Older Duck: I'm Hope. Could you please help me? My daughter hit her head and I can't wake her!
Wildwing: Betsy, check to see if she's okay, while I do a scan, with the mask, on her.
Betsy walks over to the injured duck as the Wildwing scans Hope.
Wildwing: Tey're ducks alright. How is she?
Betsy: I think she just has a bad cut on her head, but we better play it safe and take her back to the infirmary.
He picks up the unconcious duck.
Wildwing: Come on, the Pond's not far from hre.
Setting: the Mighty Ducks secret headquarters.
Wildwing: Tanya, get the infirmary ready.
Tanya: Why...
She sees the unconcious duck and heads to the infirmary.
Wildwing: Betsy, Mallory, you stay here and keep an eye on her.
He takes the young duck to the infirmary.
Setting:Rec Room. Mallory, Betsy, and Hope are sitting in there. Duke and Nosedive enter.
Duke: Hey Mal Mal, who was Wing carrying... Duck and Hope stared at each other with their mouths hanging open in disbelief.
Wildwing and Tanya walk in.
Hope: How is she?
Tanya: she's fine, just has a nasty cut.
Hope sighs in relief.
Hope: THAnk the stars, I thought I might have lost my daughter.
Duke(whispering to himself): Brenda?
He starts to walk to the infirmary. Betsy notices him and follows. The other ducks ar questioning Hope on how she got there.
Setting: The infirmary. Duke is standing by Brenda's bed.
Betsy watches from the door. She'd never met Brenda or even seen her before, but something about her seemed very familiar.
Suddenly it all became very clear to Betsy. Duke's and Hope's reaction to each other, the gray feathers, and the sword.
Betsy: She's yours, isn't she?
Duke: Yeah
Betsy(angry): So you got Hope pregnant and left her?!
Duke(defensive): Hey! I didn't leave her, she left me!
Betsy: What?
Duke sighs
Duke: I met Hope about seventeen years ago. We became very close and well, one thing lead to another and we had Brenda. The thing is, she didn't know I was a thief until I got arrested. When I got out of jail she and Brenda was gone.
She looks at Brenda.
Betsy: Does she know your her father?
Duke: I don't know. Don't tell anyone, please.
Betsy: Why?
Duke: For all I know she could think I'm dead or maybe Hope got married and she thinks that guys her father. I haven't been in her life for the past fourteen years, no point in upsetting her or something.
Setting: The Rec. Room. Hope was just finishing the story on how they got there. Betsy and Duke enter.
Hope: Hello Duke.
Duke: Hi Hope.
Nosedive(confused): You to know each other?
Hope: We were once close. Let's leave it at that.
Wildwing yawns and looks at a clock.
Wildwing: It's getting late. Mallory, show Hope to the spare room.
Mallory and Hope left the room.
Wildwing: Tanya, activate the security system. I don't want to take any chances after Lucretia.
Tanya sets the alarms then they all head to bed.
Setting: The Kitchen. Hope and all the ducks but Nosedive are seated around the table having breakfast. Nosedive enters with Brenda.
Nosedive: Look who's finally up!
Tanya: How are you feeling?
Brenda: Okay.
Tanya: Thats good.
Nosedive and Brenda join them at the table.
setting: The Rec.Room, one hour later. Brenda is practicing her stances for sword fighting. Hope and Duke are watching.
Duke: She's not bad. Looks like she got a bit of my personality.
Hope: You have no idea what it's like to love someone that acts so much like someone you hate. Duke sighs and starts to watch Brenda again.
Duke: No, no, no, no. That's wrong.
Brenda(confused): What?
Duke: Your stance. The way your're standing if you had to block a blow from your opponent you would get knocked right on your butt.
Duke activates his saber, walks over, and shows her how to stand.
Hope shakes her head.
Hope(whispering to herself): Why did she have to take so much after her father?
Just then Drake 1's alarms goes off.
Duke: Sorry kid, this'll have to wait till another time.
Duke hurries down the hall. Hope and Brenda follows.
Setting: The Ready Room. All the ducks are there. Tanya is typing away at Drake 1's controls.
Tanya: Drake one picked up teleporter energy at the electric plant.
Wildwing: We better check it out.
Hope: Brenda, you stay here.
Brenda: But...
Hope: no buts. you stay here were it's safe.
Nosedive: And I thought Wing was over protective.
They head to the Aerowing
Setting: Ready room, ten minuets later.
Brenda:I don't care what she says, I'm going.
She walls to the garage and jumps on a Duckcycle.
Setting: Outside the electric plant. Duke is fighting Dragaunus, Wildwing and Mallory are going after Siege, Betsy is trying to get the Chameleon and the rest are dealing with Hunter drones.
Dragaunus knocks Duke to the Ground and pulls out a lazier gun. Hope sees this and leaves what she's doing to help him. She jumps in front of Duke as Dragaunus pulls the trigger and takes the shot that was met for Duke.
Duke takes Hope in his arms. Dragaunus aims the lazier and prepares to shot again but mallory kicks it out of his hand and knocks him into a wall.
Dragaunus looks around and see that all his drones have been defeated and teleports out of there. His henchmen do the same.
Brenda arrives and see Duke holding her mother. She runs over.
Hope(weakly to Duke): I, i love you Duke. I always have. I just wanted what was best for Brenda, thats why I left. I'm...sorry. Take care...of..our...daughter...
Hope closes her eyes. She is dead. The ducks are shocked.
Brenda(upset): What happened?!
Duke(quitly): She took a shot for me.
Brenda(crying): She died for you?! How could you let her die for you?! It's your fault she's dead!
Brenda runs off crying. Nosedive follows and tries to comfort her.
Duke sighs and looks at Hope.
Duke(to himself): Why can't life ever be easy?
The End
The Mighty Ducks belong to Disney. Brenda and Hope belong to me, and Betsy belongs to Betsy. Tell me what you think of this story. Mail me at