Included in
the set is two videos, a script, seven photos, and certificate of authenticity.
The certificate of authenticity is plastic, and as you can see has the
TND logo on it. It is hard to read but is says, "Her Majesty's Secret Service
hereby certifies this "Tomorrow Never Dies" limited edition with the following
classified code:" and then it has a number on it.
The set of seven
photos are all behind the scenes. This one to the left is when Bond takes
care of Dr. Kaufman. Two of the other six are from the motorcycle chase,
one from the opening scene, another from the scene with Bond lying around
during the scene with Bond and Wai Lin getting prepared on the chinese
boat on sun set, and the other two are just pictures of Brosnan sitting
The script is probably the best part other then the movie, Because you can see what the actual lines were, and even all of the deleted scenes such as the scene where Q opens a crate that contains a live jaguar in it.
Last, but not least, this set contains two videos, Highly Classified: The Incredible World of 007, which is a behind the scenes video of Tomorrow Never Dies, and of course, this set includes Tomorrow Never Dies.