James Bond: A License to
Opened May 10, 1998
In this hot new Bond ride ar Kings
Dominion, you are James Bond. It starts off with you, and a bunch of other
people standing in a room with a TV screen with objects underneath it.
On the TV screen, M and Q broadcast a briefing to you from MI6 HQ. Your
job is to rescue the brilliant seismologist Dr. Callie Reeves from the
clutches of techno-terrorist Gunther Thorne.
After you are briefed, your are
sent into a big room where you are strapped to a seat. You see the gun
barrel sequence, only when Bond swings around and shots is gun he is shooting
you! You feel a strong jolt, and then you go on to be James Bond, and rescue
Dr. Callie.
During this ride, you experience
explosive action. You are twisted, turned, drooped, stirred, and of course
shaken. You don't need to be a Bond fan to like this ride. This ride is
really worth going on.
You can visit this attraction
at Kings Dominion in Virginia.