The BMWs
BMW 750iL
Bond's latest car; featured in Tomorrow
Never Dies. this car has bullet proof windows and siding. It includes
rockets, tear gas, spikes for blowing out tires, re-inflatable tires, a
cable cutter, a secret fingerprint activated safe, a 20,000 volt security
system, and a remote control hidden inside Bonds cellular phone.
BMW R1200C Motorcycle
Bond took this bike after jumping off the side of Caver's
building in the movie Tomorrow
Never Dies to get away from Caver's henchmen. It has no special refinements
to help Bond, but he did do some pretty cool tricks on this bike.
BMW Z3 Roadster
This car had a very small role in the movie Goldeneye,
but it includes stinger missiles behind the headlights, radar, and all
the other usual refinements.