K-Dog9a different one) - 12/19/00 09:20:26
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LibertySt/killerkey/index.html
My Email:z_sitchin@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, The Matrix, Hard Boiled, The Killer
Favorite CD: Rob Zombie, Lauryn Hill
Hobbies: video games, movies, web surfing/chatting
Out of curiosity, I tried searching for K-Dog, my name as well. I stumbled upon your site among others. Pretty cool site dude. Be sure to check out mine. By the way, nice DVD collection.
Nae Nae - 11/05/00 19:30:53
My Email:Smiley534@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Clueless
Favorite CD: All old country
Hobbies: Chatting and doing other stuff on the computer
Good website!!!!
Taya Walk - 11/05/00 19:20:33
My URL:http://jabawake_dingdong
My Email:tayamarie@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Big Daddy
Favorite CD: Adam Sandler
Hobbies: ALGEBRA, volleyball, softball
Hey I dunno ya but your sister is THE SHIT!!
Lacey - 11/05/00 19:15:30
My Email:Laceeeey@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Big Daddy
Favorite CD: Smash mouth
Hobbies: Sports
HEY!! great website!! keep up the great reviews!!
I love preious moments!
nathan buss - 01/01/00 20:48:40
My Email:bussy23@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: happy gilmore
Favorite CD: korn follow the leader
Hobbies: sports and card collecting
kyle you are a sexxy bitch and yoou are the coolest person i have ever met
The big Spic - 11/19/99 04:21:28
My Email:Str8fcd@home.com
Favorite Movie: PI
Favorite CD: H2O-H2O
Hobbies: Music,Tequila,More Tequila
Rod and Tod this is God!(Bart Simpson) Bartender Five More Beers!!!(Drain Bramaged)There is nothing finer than starting an iowa tailgater on a saturday morning so that you can drink while the sun comes up!(Garman)
Stacia Ann Doshier - 07/27/99 23:46:11
My Email:StaciaAnn18@yahoo.com
Favorite Movie: American Pie
Favorite CD: Austin Powers,
Rachel - 06/16/99 05:26:58
Favorite Movie: Evita
Favorite CD: Dave Matthews Crash
Hobbies: yada yada yada
Nice work, Kyle! Great design, nice layout, superb content. A perfect 10!
Debba Hansen - 03/25/99 22:56:05
Favorite Movie: Big Chill
Favorite CD: Bathhouse Betty
Hobbies: golf, read, ski
you are my #1 nephew...of course you are the oldest nephew....
Jennifer Lindstrom - 02/15/99 19:51:28
My Email:jlindstrom@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: i dont have one
Favorite CD: ICP
Hobbies: dancing reading
Hey i really like this page but you need your picture up on it
Diana - 02/15/99 19:39:10
My Email:dls5352@sru.edu
Favorite Movie: Varsity Blues
Favorite CD: Jay-Z Hard Knock Life
Hobbies: playing volleyball, ice skating, playing pool, going to the movies, listening to music, drinking occasionally, partying, sports in general
Hey this was a cool page K-Dog!!
Keely Mulford - 01/03/99 04:19:02
My Email:mulfordkm@bvu.edu
Favorite Movie: Anastasia
Favorite CD: Love em' all
Hobbies: Dancin'
"Come with me to the Darkside"
mom - 01/02/99 04:13:32
My Email:bmulford@rconnect.com
Favorite Movie: wizard of oz
Favorite CD: "city of angels" soundtrack (at the moment!!)
Hobbies: hunting dustbunnies, lassoing caterpillars, and climbing to the top of tall buildings
in the words of a certain someone whom i care an awful lot about...."this is fun!" :-)
Paul Mulford - 12/29/98 22:13:09
My Email:pmulford@mailcity.com
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison
Favorite CD: Stunt
Hobbies: Collecting baseball cards
I love this page!! This is one of the best sites to go if you want to know what the new movies are like!!
Dain Kavars - 12/28/98 03:02:20
My URL:/Colosseum/Track/1190
My Email:dain-kavars@uiowa.edu
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite CD: Blood Sugar Sex Majik
Hobbies: sports, Denver Broncos, books, computers
Hey...you're the guy who lives in the same room as my right? I always wondered what your name was.