This page is dedicated to Timmy and his wife. He's a cool guy and I had a great time at his wedding!

Here's the happy couple! Tim and Jess, I wish them the best!

Here's a couple that should've been, but hey, they're still friends and that's good!

See, now he's crying. heehe...just kidding, that's Matt half in the bag, being silly!

This is Jen. She's a friend of Ashley (who is on the left) and that's Ash's brother Tyler on the right. Isn't she cute? She was also the lucky one to catch the bouquet!

This is Josh on the left and on the right is his girlfriend with Ashley's dad. Oh the fun!

Here's Megan dancing with Ash. Sedahl gives it a thumbs up!

Here's me and my pals, Ash and "Cracky" (cassi) :) Love you!

Finally, one of my former teachers. Mr. Winny! That black box is there intentionally cuz if it were not there, well, my butt would be kicked! :)

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