What are the chances you ask
If I could fall in love with you
Keeping you inside my heart
Making it known
You'll be the only one
Becoming only yours

Why am I asking this
Is it because my heart stops
When you're in my presence
Can you see
The look on my face
The love in my eyes
For you and only you
Am I that easy to read?

Telling you this
Should come so easy
You're the only one
I ever felt close to
Yet something inside me
Shys away
Maybe it's because
Chances are
You're right my love
I feel the love
I never felt before
Yet I fear maybe you
Won't feel the same

When I look at you
Everything around me changes
Clouds fade into the night
Words I want to say
Won't come
So now that you're asking
I speak from the heart
Where you are

When I first saw your face
Kissed your lips
Held you close to me
It was then I knew
You would be the one

Your chances are
I'm in love with you
Never will I feel anything less
When you're in my arms
I feel a warmth
My heart is filled with love
Never wanting to be any place
But where you are

Chances Are
Chances Are
I Love You!
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