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Lamberto Re, MD
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Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Pharmacological Biotechnology
Electrophysiological Analysis of Synaptic Transmission
International Contacts To : theozonetherapy@mac.com
Personal Scientific Contacts To : lambertore@univpm.it
Lamberto Re was born in Ancona, September 24th, 1950. Married, three children. First year at the Medical Faculty of the University of Ancona in 74/75. MD in 1983 discussing the thesis "Electrophysiological profiles and classification of beta-blockers and purinergic agents on the frog neuro-muscular junction". State Session in November 1983.
1973 - 1979 Student in the Pharmacological department of the University of Ancona, Medical School.
1979 - 1989 Researcher Technician till 1989.
1989 ... Included in the Disciplinary Group n. 70 by the Official National Commission since 22nd June, 1989.
Expert of basic experimental techniques in Pharmacology such as in-vitro assays and in-vivo experimental Toxicology. Responsible of Electrophysiological Section of the Pharmacology department at the University of Ancona, Medical School. Working in the development of the more recent methodologies for the study of ionic gated channels and of original automated computation procedure for the acquisition and the analysis of the experimental data. In collaboration with Dr Walter Stühmer and Dr. Erwin Neher of the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen, is expert in the techniques of the Loose Patch Clamp and Patch Clamp.
Participated at a "Working Stage Training" held at the FIDIA-Georgetown Institute for the Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical School of Washington (USA), June 4-15 1990. In this course was introduced to the study of the cholinergic and gabaergic transmission using slices from rat brain with the Patch Clamp technique.
Researcher Fellowship stage concluded in August 2nd, 1992. Confirmed as researcher with excellent judgement of the Medical Faculty of the University of Ancona since September 16th 1992.
Invited by the Editorial Board of the Archives of Medical Research to be included in the International Editorial Committee since July 1994. Referee of the following international journals: Life Sciences (Pharmacology Letters), Pharmacological Research, General Pharmacology.
Invited by the Department of Health and Medical Services of Dubai, UAE, where participated to an epidemiological pilot study for the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of oxygen-ozone mixtures. The study started in September 2002 at the Governmental Rashid Hospital, P.O. Box : 4545, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Mobile in Dubai 0097 150 8491728.
Ozone Therapy Course Brazil
Invited by Mario Penna Foundation of Belo Horizonte for a Conference on Ozonetherapy: State of Art
Invited by Fondazione Torino of Belo Horizonte for a Conference on Ozonetherapy
English, written and spoken; Spanish, spoken.
Teaching Professor at the Regional School of Dental Health Care in 89/90, completed the three years course.
Teaching Professor of "Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology" in the Medical School of the Ancona University with Rector Decree n. 001088 since 93/94.
Teaching Professor of "Pharmacological Biotechnology" in the Science School of the Ancona University with Rector Decree n. 000460 since 94/95.
Invited at the Workshop "Research on Pharmacological Active Tissues Transplantes with Therapeutic Goals" held at the IMSS of Mexico DF in June, 3-4 1994.
Invited as Copresident and Italian Representative at the "Seminario Internacional de Histoterapia Placentaria en Dermatologia" held in Havana, Cuba, October 23-27 1995.
Invited at the III International Course on Receptors held at the University of Chile, Medical School of Santiago, April 23-26, 1996 participated to the Conference with a communication on the molecular mechanisms of neuro-release and proposed seminars to the Students of the Medical School.
Invited at the Ist International Congress of the Cuban Pharmacological Society held in Havana, 19-23 October 1998. President of the Symposium on “Pulmunar Surfactant and its impact on neonatal mortality”
Member of the Italian Pharmacological Society since 1978.
Member of the Italian Experimental Biology Society since 1980.
Member of the Italian Applied and Pure Biophysics Society since 1978.
Member of the Latin American Natural and Traditional Medicine Society since 1994.
Member of the New York Academy of Science Society since November 1994.
Member of the Society of Neuroscience since May 2003.
Member of the Italian Federation of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (FIO) since June 2003. Elected in the Board since December 2005
Author of 101 publications in extenso; among these 40 in qualified international journal cited in the Journal Citation Reports with a mean impact factor of 1.673. Author of 84 communications; among these 17 in qualified international journal cited in the Journal Citation Reports with a mean impact factor of 1.871.
Curriculum Vitae in Extenso

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Development of Natural Medicine
Ozone In The Sport


It is time that the Scientific Community start to evaluate Ozone Therapy as a useful complement to the orthodox medical approach, particularly in the case of rare and drug-orphan illnesses.

The incidence of side effects, represented by a number after the comma preceded from at least 5 zeros considering the population treated in the last 40 years, point out the absolute safety of this approach when compared to the side effects of orthodox drug treatment.

It has been estimated that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are the 4th to 6th largest cause for mortality in the USA (Lazarou J. et al., 1998. Incidence of ADR in hospitalized patients: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. JAMA, 1998, 279 (15) 1000-5.). They result in the death of several thousands of patients each year, and many more suffer from ADRs.

One of the goals of Ozone Therapy could be that to reduce the appearance of pathologies like Alzheimer, Parkinson, Dementia, etc. Indeed, the potential amount of population that is going to elderly and to potential expression of oxidative damage (calculation says it will reach 11-16 million Americans in 2050) is enormously more prominent when compared with the population actually suffering of such oxidative impairment (Alzheimer affects today about 4.5 million Americans while Parkinson approximately afflicts one million person in the United States today).

Who claims the absence of standardized, randomized, double bind studies must consider the difficulties to build up serious work without adequate budged. One of the most prominent problems of ozone is its brief life time. Its rapid decomposition make impossible to sell it in the Pharmacies! No profit no interest.

To our opinion, for the respect of the millions people treated all over the world and for all whom interested but still waiting the formal authorization of the Government Health Authorities, a redistribution of the official budget devoted to research must be urgently considered to validate or reject the ozone therapeutic potential.

Testimonial Leoni
Testimonial Losacco
Testimonial Croce
Testimonial Galeazzi

Gulf News - UAE
Corriere Adriatico February 2006- Italy
Corriere Adriatico June 2008- Italy
Editorial Board of Ancona Province Medical Association - Italy - July 2008

Personal Presentation

English Version                                        Italian Version


Medical Epidemiology and Drug Informations
Teaching Courses in Pharmacology and Natural Medicine
Learn more about ozone .. click here
Present Address
University of Ancona, Science Faculty, Via Ranieri, 2, 60100 Ancona,Italy

The Family

Italian Version