Welcome to my Under Ground Lair.

This site is partly dedicated to my Dad and my brother Josh. They are very big fans of Dr. Evil. So, as you may have guessed, there will be a lot of sound and pictures to do with Dr. Evil. I hope you enjoy this page. Thankx:~)


Austin "Danger" Powers

Vanessa Kensington (a.k.a. Baby)

(NOTICE: I have more pictures, but I don't feel like putting those particular ones up right now, so come back later when I have some better ones.)


Oh groovy baby, yeah.

"I want chicken, I want liver, meow mix, meow mix please deliver."

The Shh incident between Dr. Evil and his son Scott

Well don't look at me like I'm frickin' Frankenstien, come give your father a hug

It's frickin' freezin' in here Mr. Bigglesworth. Meow, Meow.

That also already has been done. Oh shit. Let's just do what we always do; hijack some nucular warheads and hold the world hostage.

One million dollars! (The whole scene.)

Oh blimey. Nerd Alert!

Who does Number 2 work for? Who does Number 2 work for. That's right buddy, you show that turd who's boss.

Name? Austin Danger Powers. Sex? Yes please!

Very shaggadelic!

If you have any question or comments feel free to email me at austin_powers_28@hotmail.com thankx:~)

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