The following are Midi files for various songs and sounds associated with Legacy, including Celtic, Irish-American, and Kentucky folk songs. Thanks to Laura's Midi Heaven and Taylor's Traditional Tunebook for the files. Also included for your listening pleasure are .wav excerpts (real recordings) of Loreena McKennitt's songs from her website.
Irish and Celtic Folk Songs
Londonderry Aire (aka Oh, Danny Boy)

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye
(Americans will recognize this song as something else)

An Irish Medley
(Wild Irish Rose, Irish Lullaby, Sweet Rosie O'Grady)


Cherish the Ladies

The Irish Washerwoman

Lilting Banshee

The Green Groves of Erin

Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra

Irish-American and American Folk Songs

The Girl I Left Behind


Oh, Susannah (this song written by Stephen Foster of "My Old Ky Home" fame)

Kentucky Songs
My Old Kentucky Home (the official state song of Kentucky)

Down in the Valley
Loreena McKennitt Excerpts
The Mummers' Dance (the LEGACY theme song)

Dicken's Dublin
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