Niala - 09/05/00 07:46:50 My Favorite Character: Sean and Marita | Comments: Hi, I loved the show!I was horrible that upn(damn them) cancelled it. It was also wrong that noone wanted to pick it up. I sent several letters to various stations like CBS. I was wondering when you were going to update your site. I live for fan fic but I can not find any! If you can find any I would appreciate it if you could tell me where! Your site is really good don't abandon it like others have done to their sites. |
- 08/27/00 12:17:19 | Comments: |
Francesca - 08/13/00 17:22:04 My Favorite Character: Clay | Comments: Legacy is fantastic!!!!I'm from Rome, Italy and your site is really very beautiful!Ciao! |
Jolene/Gwen - 05/15/00 01:10:16 My Favorite Character: John turner | Comments: I've tried to email you on the address on the home page but it bounced back...I hope this gets through. If it does may I have your address so I can email some fan fic to you. Gwen |
Christopher Dalton - 05/07/00 23:05:02 My Favorite Character: Sean and Alice | Comments: I'd like to know what UPN was thinking when they decided to cancel such a wonderful show. Legacy was, without a doubt in my mind, one of the best shows ever to grace the small screen. Any show that is set in the Bluegrass state is number one in my book. Not only was it good quality family entertainment, it was also very historical and accurate. Being a native of Louisville, I enjoyed what the show represented. It was certainly better than all of the "garbage" that is polluting the airwaves these days. I hope that Legacy will return to one of the cable channels in the near future. Cancelling such a classic epic is an atrocity at its worst. Not to mention, inexcusable. |
Pansy Taylor - 05/05/00 05:46:23 Favorite Character: Sean and Marita | Comments: I think that legacy was one of the best shows put on television is a long time. I really am going to miss it. |
LaShawndra Denley - 03/24/00 23:22:40 My Favorite Character: Everybody! | Comments: I know the show has been gone for some time now,but I still very much miss it. It was my favorite show and I can't believe TNT or WB didn't wanna take it. Legacy always had my attention. Turn 7 p.m. and I was died at my t.v. watching my show. Never had a care in the world or even thought it was going to be canceled with only 18 episodes! I didn't even get to see the last 4 either.Anyway let me stop... I love your site Angie. It is great and yes the fanfiction is the thing that keeps me most interested and I've been working on one myself and plan to send some of it soon. P.S. Thank you for keeping your site up even after the show has been off our screens |
LaShawndra Denley - 03/24/00 23:14:11 My Favorite Character: Everybody! | Comments: |
Sara Myers - 02/20/00 03:44:23 | Comments: I really enjoy your site I miss the show so much it is so hard to find good shows on today and legacy was one of them it's a shame it was canceled. My favorite part has to be the fanfiction when do you think you will update it and get more |
Sally - 08/03/99 14:29:11 My Favorite Character: Clay | Comments: I love Legacy! I can't believe they aren't going to have it on the air next fall! It's not often there is a show that combines historical fiction and horses, both of which I love. I have every single episode on tape(except the one where Ned almost dies . accidently taped over it). A loyal Fan |
Jennifer - 08/01/99 17:48:07 My Favorite Character: Clay and Alice | Comments: I love Legacy! I wish UPN had more sense than they do, but that's another story. Great site. |
Cherry - 06/11/99 22:44:29 Favorite Character: Sean, Marita | Comments: I love what I saw on this webpage, I hope many more people take to time to view it. I sincerely hope that this show is not cancelled, I see good things in its future, and look forward to many more exciting and new episodes. Please get the word out there and lets continue "THE LEGACY"... |
elizabeth henderson - 04/27/99 17:48:55 My Email:eliz41_98 Favorite Character: sean and marita | Comments: I love that there is a place for fans can learn more about the show ,the cast. I love fan fiction. thank you. |
Felicia - 04/09/99 22:16:35 My Favorite Character: Sean Logan | Comments: Thanks for making this site. It is amazing. I've been writing for the show to be picked up by another network. It is too good for us to let it die. |
Tiffany - 03/16/99 22:53:48 My Favorite Character: toss up S and M | Comments: Hey Everyone A letter was sent recently to the LEGACY Mailing List with the suggestion of sending St. Patrick's Day flowers to the Executives at UPN and Alliance. Not everyone can afford flowers, so we suggest that everyone send St. Patrick's Day Cards! Remind them t at just because the show is on hiatus, we have not forgotten this Irish Family! Don't worry if they receive them after St. Patrick's Day, UPN needs to see the number of mailings! We should target Dean Valentine and Tom Nunan at: United Paramount Network 11800 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90025 (310) 575-7000 Check out /~loganslegacy/keep/upn.html for other key UPN Executives to target. If you only send one card to Alliance Atlantic, make it to Janine Coughlin. She is the executive in charge of Legacy there. Also important there is Peter Sussman, he's the man in charge. Write them at: Alliance Atlantis Communications 808 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd floor Santa Monica, California 90401 In addition to that, the Keep Legacy Campaign has decided to adopt the Shamrock (and especially the Four Leaf Clover for luck) as our symbol. Soon we will have Clipart on the Website that you can print on labels, letters, and envelopes which will identify your mail as mail that supports Legacy! We are also reminding everyone that there is now a Legacy ALERT Mailing List which will contain only the latest news on Legacy and the Keep Legacy Campaign. You may sign up at and have these UPDATES delivered to your mailbox. Go to the Web ite, and enter LegacyALERT in the Search box to find the list, then follow Onelist's instructions on how to join. Thanks for writing Tiffany |
Libby - 03/14/99 21:48:49 My URL: My Favorite Character: Sean | Comments: I didn't think there were that many Legacy fans out there... last time I looked there weren't any fan sites. Great site... good graphics design. You might be interested in my online drama--it has a setting similar to Legacy's. |
Lydia Lee - 02/22/99 06:34:28 My Favorite Character: Sean & Marita | Comments: I love your website, especially the fan fiction page. Those ladies have very passionate souls and vivid imaginations. I look forward to reading the next installments of Tiffany's "Visitor" and Allison's "One Fateful Night". Legacy ROCKS!! |
Marlene - 02/03/99 15:38:23 My Favorite Character: Sean & Marita | Comments: Attenion All Legacy Fans -- Please Join The Letter Writing Campaign to Save Legacy! Legacy is going to be taken off the air starting March 5th (not cancelled -- there is still hope). Please tell friends and fellow Legacy fans. I normally post messages at Legacy - The Logan Family message board and got the following information: Hello, Everyone! Two sources confirmed tonight that Legacy was going to be pulled from the Lineup beginning in March. (Many thanks to Stella and Kelley) We HAVE to organize the way Magnificent 7 did last year in order to insure that the show survives. Now remember, the s ow has not been officially canceled, but this is definitely not good news. We need to act now! Write a Snail Mail to UPN first! The address is: United Paramount Network 11800 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90025 Go ahead and send them an Email as well at: Then I urge everyone to go to Cindy's Web Page which lists the Legacy Sponsors. The URL is: Anywhere there is a mailing address, send them Snail mail. If you only have an email address, use that. Things to remember: 1.) Keep your letter positive. You can let them know your displeasure without being nasty. 2.) No profanity! We don't want our letters to end up in the trash. 3.) Since we all have computers, you can write one letter and cut and past the different Sponsors into place saving you a great deal of time. 4.) Contact everyone you know and urge them to write to UPN at the very least. You could even do a sample letter, heck, you could write the letter for them and have them sign it! 5.) Forward this Email to everyone you think might be willing to snail mail or Email UPN. OK, folks, we know this works. CBS has reversed itself on Magnificent 7 and is bringing Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman back in TV Movies. If UPN won't listen, we can try turning to CBS. I am also going to see if I can find out more information. I will keep everyone updated as to any information I find out. I have already Emailed UPN and told them that I would be organizing a letter writing campaign. I will also be glad to give you a sample letter to which you can add your own comments. Please Email me privately for that at: Let's all pull Together! Ramona L. Hicks Visit our Unofficial Brett Cullen Website! Please, we are asking for everyone's assistance. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please contact Ramona or myself. We CANNOT let another quality show go down the tubes. Thanks for your Support Marlene |
M - 01/25/99 22:45:44 My Favorite Character: Sean & Marita | Comments: Hi, Love everything about your site -- especially the fan fiction! I watched Legacy and became hooked -- instantly. It it currently one of the best dramas on television. Some fans that frequent a Legacy message board has started a serious letter-writing ca paign to the powers-that-be at UPN and Atlantis/Alliance because the ratings for Legacy have not been favorable. We love the show and do not want to see it cancelled. Please join us in our campaign. A (Fan)atic for Legacy! P.S. Grayson McCouch is better than hot -- he smoulders!!! :) |
Kaity - 01/20/99 03:11:46 My Favorite Character: Sean and Marita | Comments: I love the fanfics!!! Keep em coming! (Especially the saucy Sean and Marita ones!!!) |
amie adler - 01/17/99 02:41:56 My Favorite Character: all of them | Comments: I really love this show and think it is the best thing on primetime. I'm thrilled to read here that it has been picked up for 22 episodes! I've been surfing around to find out as much as I can about the show and to see if there has been any word out about its future. It looks like I've found the answer here and it is GOOD news! Thanks alot!!! |
Jane Russell - 01/16/99 02:46:50 My Favorite Character: Ned/Brett Cullen | Comments: Glad to see that there are some more fans of my favorite show out there in cyber-land. I really look forward each week to tuneing in to Legacy. Just wish they would get some new episodes out. We are getting lots of reruns. Would love to see Ned get a "love interest" . |
Jane Russell - 01/16/99 02:37:48 My Favorite Character: Ned/Brett Cullen | Comments: Glad to see that there are some more fans of my favorite show out there in cyber-land. I really look forward each week to tuneing in to Legacy. Just wish they would get some new episodes out. We are getting lots of reruns. Would love to see Ned get a "love interest" . |
Nicole - 01/12/99 22:06:44 My Favorite Character: Clay | Comments: Definately need more pictures of Jeremy Garrett |
Kathleen - 01/11/99 02:42:30 My URL: My Favorite Character: Jeremy Bradford | Comments: Hey... you have NOTHING to improve on for your site! It's perfect! I really loved it! I absolutely love Legacy.. it's the best show out there! And the actors are all soooo talented and...gulp... HOT! Well, G2G! Kathleen P.S. Go to my webpage/message board to discuss the Legacy cast members and current episodes! It is fun and easy just click on the link above! |
Kaity - 01/09/99 06:03:51 My Favorite Character: Sean and Marita | Comments: I still love your website, it's my fave legacy site. Keep up the good work!!! |
Tiffany - 01/09/99 00:04:29 My Favorite Character: Sean-Grayson McCouch | Comments: I can't get over how wonderful this show is! And Grayson is well.....Grayson. Just so beautiful. The scenery is perfect and I'd love to be Marita...the things i would do to this man! My God! :-) Tiffany |
- 01/08/99 20:20:47 | Comments: |
Jennifer - 01/04/99 21:16:17 My Favorite Character: Sean | Comments: I don't just have one fav. character I love all the guys! (Jeremy, Clay, and Sean). I love the story line and the time period when it is set! This is a great show! |
Lynn Smith - 01/03/99 05:01:04 My Favorite Character: Sean and Marita | Comments: Love the pictures! |
Michelle - 01/03/99 03:45:55 My Favorite Character: Sean | Comments: Just wanted to say that your website is great and I'll be visiting it frequently. I esp. like the fanfiction ! I am totally addicted to Legacy and think it is a fabulous show. Anyway, keep up the good work! |
Allison - 01/03/99 00:57:28 My URL: My Favorite Character: Clay | Comments: Hi angie, I didn't like the original banner... so, guess what? I have a new one. I thought maybe when you had a chance you could put this one up instead of the other one. Thanks! Keep up the great work! ![]() |
Zack - 01/02/99 21:01:23 Favorite Character: Ned | Comments: Love the show, love your site, having fun surfing to find all things "Logan" on the net! Ned/Brett Cullen is definitely my fave. I agree with an earlier post about how he has the "hair thing" going on. Great hair, wonderful voice, terrific, lazy smile. I m tuning in each week just so I can watch him sweep those blonde highlights back! LOL. Cool hair. |
Sunshine Reil - 12/24/98 09:48:39 My Favorite Character: Love them all | Comments: The show and the music are great!!!! |
Ramona - 12/15/98 08:31:17 My Favorite Character: Can't Pick, they're all great! | Comments: I live in Florida and love the show. |
Kaity - 12/15/98 03:58:46 My Favorite Character: Sean | Comments: This website is awesome! Keep up the great work! |
Allison - 12/09/98 20:37:48 My URL: My Favorite Character: Clay | Comments: Hey! Great site! I really enjoy all the Kentucky info, I spent the summer in Lexington and I really miss it :( Keep up the great work, and thanks for linking to my page :) |
- 12/09/98 06:48:37 | Comments: |
Carolyn and Kaia - 12/03/98 23:54:43 My URL: My | Comments: Have really enjoyed browsing your site, and learning fun Kentucky facts! What *are* the other three commonwealths? Carolyn and Kaia The Grayson McCouch Fan Page |
Roxanne Kasi - 12/03/98 18:58:47 My Favorite Character: Ned | Comments: Guess I'm showing my age but I think Ned/Brett Cullen is gorgeous! Love the hair! Grayson McCouch is quite handsome, too. But Brett has that great voice going on... I missed Blood Relative so I'm glad for the reruns but can't wait for the rest of the seas n. Great site! |
Avalon - 11/29/98 05:16:40 My Favorite Character: Ned | Comments: I know I should be madly in love with the handsome sons but after the shows all over and I'm left with my thoughts, they all seem to fall to Brett Cullen. I wish I would have noticed this man a whole lot sooner! |
Marla - 11/22/98 21:19:58 My URL: My Favorite Character: Clay & the horses | Comments: I like what you've done with your page, it's changed alot since it first came up. The webring is great, it makes it easier to check out the other great Legacy pages. :-) |
Cerella - 11/20/98 17:49:38 My URL: My Favorite Character: Who can pick just one? | Comments: Angie, Your site is great! Very creative title. Love it! Keep carrying on the Legacy! ;) |
Tammy - 11/18/98 05:54:42 My URL: My Favorite Character: changes every week:) | Comments: Great web page. I've bookmarked it and plan to link to it from my page. Keep up the great work. |
Sharon - 11/18/98 03:50:23 My URL: My Favorite Character: Lexi | Comments: I just love Legacy and am glad to see that there are fan pages up and running. We live in Richmond and feel so fortunate to have this show and its actors in our city. No, I haven't met any of them but hey - it could happen. Keep up the good work. If they added Scott Bairstow to the cast the show would be perfect! |
Sara Brown - 11/17/98 17:24:29 My Favorite Character: Sean | Comments: |
Kevira - 11/17/98 00:46:27 My URL: My Favorite Character: Jeremy | Comments: I love the show. I didn't see the first episode, but I've watched every one since then and have loved them all! This last week's episode (11/13) was so great! I cried buckets! I can't wait to see the rest of the season and to see The Gift on 11/27! |
kentuckywoman - 11/16/98 06:22:13 Favorite Character: SEAN/CLAY | Comments: This is a TEST, and only a TEST. Now the rest of ya'll, please sign in. You know you want to ;)!!! |