Star Trek from THE SITE OF MOVIE MAGAZINES:   in association with

Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) DVD
BUY THIS BOOK Captain Quirk/the Unauthorized Biography of William Shatner by Dennis William Hauck.
A behind-the-scenes look at the life and career of William Shatner details his stormy relationships with fellow Star Trek cast members, his own encounter with extraterrestrials, his personal life, and more.

BUY THIS BOOK Beam Me Up, Scotty : Star Trek's 'Scotty' - In His Own Words by James Doohan, Peter David (Contributor).
Montgomery Scott, the endlessly resourceful chief engineer of the starship Enterprise has been a familiar presence in our collective imagination for over three decades.

BUY THIS BOOK Patrick Stewart by James Hatfield, George Burt (Contributor).
Including 16 pages of photos, here is the uncensored story of Patrick Stewart, the enigmatic Shakespearean actor who rose to superstardom on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

BUY THIS BOOK The Star Trek Encyclopedia : A Reference Guide to the Future by Michael Okuda, Denise Okuda (Contributor), Doug Drexler (Illustrator), Margaret Clark.
The ultimate "Star Trek" reference guide is now updated and expanded with new material and over 2,000 spectacular full-color photographs.

BUY THIS BOOK Star Trek Chronology : The History of the Future (Star Trek Chronology) by Michael Okuda, Denise Okuda (Contributor).
A revised edition of the official illustrated timeline of the Star Trek universe is presented in full color and follows the founding of the Federation through the most recent Voyager adventures.

BUY THIS BOOK Federation Travel Guide (Star Trek) by Michael Jan Friedman.
A travel guide to the twenty-fifth century features artwork taken from each of the Star Trek series and provides an inside scoop on many of the unique worlds throughout the Federation.

BUY THIS BOOK Star Trek the Next Generation : Sketchbook the Movies : Generations & First Contact (Star Trek) by John Eaves, J. M. Dillard.
One of the talented forces behind "Star Trek Generations" and "Star Trek: First Contact", John Eaves takes trekkers on a journey through the hectic and frantic world of a "Star Trek" artist.

BUY THIS BOOK Enterprise Zones : Critical Positions on Star Trek (Film Studies (Boulder, Colo.).) by Taylor Harrison (Editor), Sarah Projansky (Contributor), Kent A. Ono (Editor).
Star Trek as a cultural phenomenon: a college-level analysis of the show's plots and impact on American culture.

BUY THIS BOOK Star Trek : The Next Generation Technical Manual by Rick Sternbach (Contributor), Michael Okuda, Mike Okuda.
Filled with blueprints, sketches and line drawings, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual explains the principles behind everything from the transporter to the holodeck.

BUY THIS BOOK Star Trek, the Next Generation : The Continuing Mission : A Tenth Anniversary Tribute by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Contributor).
Featuring 750 never-before-seen illustrations and full-color photographs, this visually stunning book focuses on the creation of the hit series Star Trek: The Next Generation.

BUY THIS BOOK The Finest Crew in the Fleet : The Next Generation Cast On Screen and Off by Adam Shrager, David Gerrold (Introduction).
The first book to offer complete, in-depth biographies of the The Next Generation's major stars.

BUY THIS BOOK The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition (Star Trek : Deep Space Nine) by Ira Steven Behr, Kevin Ryan (Editor).
The unscrupulous and altogether humorous laws of the Ferengi businessman are presented in a format for the benefit of inferior "hoo-man" entrepreneurs.

BUY THIS BOOK Star Trek Phase II : The Lost Series by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Contributor).
A portrait of the never-launched Star Trek: Phase II series chronicles the reunion of original cast and crew members and the decision to cancel production, and includes storyboards, photographs, and technical information.