February 2000: Best Movie Books from THE SITE OF MOVIE MAGAZINES: www.moviemags.com   in association with amazon.com.

November '99
BUY THIS BOOK SCHLOCK-O-RAMA: The Films of Al Adamson by David Konow

Al Adamson established early in his carrer the formula of exploitive titles, familiar cast names and economy-minded budgets. Al's films capture the 70's drive-in era and reflect the time and culture in all its glory. Often compared to Ed Wood and Roger Corman, Al gave a twisted version of what was going on in America, told with the wildest characters imagineable.

BUY THIS BOOK 'Bold! Daring! Shocking! True : A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959 by Eric Schaefer

The first half of this book looks at the mechanics of the films; production, distribution, advertising, and exhibition differed greatly from Hollywood norms. The second half examines the major categories of exploitation films. A good look at a neglected topic.(Library Journal)