Dallas 2020


The Ewings of the 21st century are here. Lying, Stealing, Loving, Power, Betrayal, Greed, all are still alive in Dallas. Join us every Saturday night to see what dirty deal will be done to who.

What happened to Dallas 2020? We felt like Dallas 2020 ran it's time. 2020 was going a diffrent direction. Beyond Tomorrow take Dallas to a diffrent level. It's the future. So you may see things you would not normally see. Please enjoy the site.

The second episode of Season One Entitled Secerts Of Southfork is now available to read.


THe Ewing Family tree. We know that the Ewings life span can be hard to follow in 1999, so it makes it that much harder to follow in the year 2020. We've put together a family tree that should help clear things up. Look for it SOON!

Dallas: Beyond Tomorrow is ©EwingEntrp. Dallas is ©Warner Brothers. This site is not in anyway affilated with The WB, Lormior, TNN, or CBS. The Charcters found on this website are ©Dallas. This site is for fun, and only fun. Pictures on this site are ©EwingEntrp unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy pictures without permission. Thank you.