
Old Rose: It's been 84 years... and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used, the sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the ship of dreams.. and it was, it really was!

Old Rose: I saw my whole life as if i had already live it. An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches... always the same mindless people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great percipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared... or even noticed.

Old Rose: To everyone else it was the ship of dreams, but to me it was a slave ship taking me back to America in chains.

Ruth: So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.

Cal: It is unsinkable. God himself couldn't sink this ship

Rose: It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania

Tommy Ryan: Forget it, boyo! You'd as like have angels fly out o' yer arse as get next to the likes o' her

Rose: You're crazy!

Jack: People say that, but with all do respect miss; I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship

Jack: Jack Dawson

Rose: Rose Dewitt Bukater

Jack: I may need you to write that one down for me

Rose: You have a gift Jack. You see people

Jack: I see you!

Rose: and..?

Jack: You wouldn't of jumped.

Ruth: So Jack, how are the accommodations in steerage?

Jack: They're pretty good. Hardly any rats at all.

Molly Brown: Ain't nothin to it is there Jack? Remember they love money so just pretend like you own a gold mine, and you're in the club

John Jacob Astor: Well Jack. Are you of the Boston Dawsons?

Jack: No, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons actually

John Jacob Astor: Ah, yes

Jack: I love waking up in the morning not knowing what I'm gonna do or who I'm gonna meet. Just yesterday I was sleeping under a bridge, and today I'm on the grandest liner in the world drinking champagne with you fine people I'll have some more please.

Jack: Rose, you're the most amazing, wonderful girl, woman that I've ever met.

Rose: Jack, I'm engaged.

Jack: Wait, just let me try and get this out. Rose you're wonderful. [pause] I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. I have ten bucks in my pocket and nothing to offer you, and I know that. They've got you trapped Rose and if you don't break free you're going to die. Then that fire that I love so about you, that fire's going to burn out.

Rose: It's not up to you to save me Jack.

Jack: I know, only you can do that.

Ruth: You're not too see that boy again... Rose I forbid it!

Rose: Oh stop it mother, you'll give yourself a nosebleed!

Rose: Jack, I'm flying!

Rose: Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.

Jack: Ok

Rose: ...wearing this, wearing only this!

Rose: I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artist. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing.

Jack: He does landscapes.

Rose: (clears throat and gives her hand to Jack)

Jack: (helps her into the car, sits down in the drivers seat) Where too miss?

Rose: To the stars..

Rose: Jack, you're trembling

Jack: I'll be allright

Andrews: The pumps will buy you time... but minutes only. From this moment; no matter what we do... Titanic will founder.

Ismay: But this ship can't sink!

Andrews: She is made of iron sir, I assure you she can, and she will. it is a mathematical certainty.

Smith: and how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?

Murdoch: 2,200 souls aboard sir.

Smith: I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.

Jack: Promise me Rose, what ever happens, you'll never give up

Rose: I promise

Jack: Winning this ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me, it brought me to you.

Jack: Your going to die an old lady, not here, not this way.
More Quotes

Irishman: Music to drown by, now I know I'm in first class.


Ruth: Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they're not too croweded

Rose: Oh, Mother, SHUT UP!


Rose: Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there arn't enough boats... not enough by half. Half the people on this ship will die.

Cal: Not the better half!


Rose: Teach me to ride like a man

Jack: And chew tobacco like a man

Rose: And... spit like a man

Jack: What, they didn't teach you that in finishing school?

Rose: NO!


Jack: I remember when I was a kid. Me and My father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is you know where you...

Rose: I know what ice fishing is

Jack: Sorry. You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.


Ismay: So you've not lit the last four boilers then?

Smith: No, but we're making excellent time

Ismay: Captian, the press knows the size of Titanic, let them marvel at her speed, too. We must give them something new to print, the maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines!


Molly Brown: Hey, who came up with the name Titanic? You, Bruce?

Ismay: Yes, actually. I wanted to convey sheer size; and size means stability, luxury... and safety

Rose: Do you know of Dr. Freud? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you, Mr. Ismay


Cal: We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with very little mint sauce. You like lamb, right sweetpea?

Molly Brown: What, are you going to cut her meat for her too Cal?


Old Rose: A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.


Jack: I'm sorry Fabrizio, you're not going to be seeing your mother for a long time, because we're going to


Full house boys


Jack: When you got nothin' , you got nothin' to loose!


Crewman: Have you been through the inspection?

Jack: Yes, besides we don't have any lice, we're Americans! Both of us.


Fabrizio: I can see the statue of liberty already; small of course.



Cal: Here I've pulled every string I could to book us on the grandest ship in history and you act as if you're going to an execution.


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