Welcome to the Turtle and Monkey Productions Homepage!
T&M Productions is a site dedicated to honoring the best young actors and actresses of our generation! We are currently under construction. Please be patient.

Addy's World
- My AOL webpage focusing on my favorite Films and Television shows. Includes various sub-pages on my friends, my interests, and a few little suprises.

Claire Danes
- The ultimate Claire Danes webpage. It is frequently updated and beautifully maintained.

Leonardo DiCaprio
- One of the original DiCaprio sites on the web and a good place for those of us who'd like to know more about Mr. DiCaprio other than the fact that he's "pin-up of the month".

Tobey Maguire - A great page on a virtually unknown actor who's beginning to establish a name for himself in Hollywood's indie circuit.

Hollywood Online
- A great place for catching up on the latest industry buzz.

Dawson's Creek
- The Official Warner Bros. Site for the hit show, "Dawson's Creek".

Dawson's Desktop
- A completely interactive site in which you "break into" Dawson's computer. Once inside, you can read his e-mail, thumb through his personal journal, and after every show, Dawson himself makes an appearance in the Capeside Chat. Don't miss this one!
Please read the Rules and Regulations of Turtle and Monkey Productions before continuing to the rest of the site.
E-Mail me at filmchic@hotmail.com