This is your last warning! You should turn back now, if you know what is good for you! The people that have heard this story (boys), have said they wish they never had, because now they are having terrible nightmares! This is the unbelievable story of our TRUE experience in the woods, where we came face to face (another figure of speech) with the "Blair Witch!"  We were lucky to get out of the woods alive, after a life and death struggle to escape! Everybody wants to believe all the FAKE websites that say this is a made up story, but they are WRONG! We have seen everything with our own two eyes (not a figure of speech)!  For me that is PROOF enough!


If you think you are brave, then read on. Do not read this unless you are willing to get the living daylights scared out of you! You will never go into the woods again! I personally know where this place is, but my friend and I feel it is our duty as upstanding citizens of a decent society, to keep it secret for the safety of the general public. So don't try searching for it, because it is nowhere close to the place where everyone thinks it is. That is a clue. If you did find it, you will regret it for the rest of your lives! I know we have!  I will not be responsible for how scared you get. I forgot to say my friend lost his shoe there. We will not go back to look for it, even if we were paid a lot of money!


If you are under 18 years old, do not read this unless you get permission from your parents. If you are an old person, do not read this unless you have been to a doctor for a check-up lately. This story is so scary, it might make you wet your pants (except for girls)!  I previously warned girls not to read this because I was afraid they would get too scared and their moms would get angry with me but I have lately learned, that it was unnecessary.  If you meet all these requirements, then proceed.