Damar and Star Trek Links
Here are the best links I can recommend to visitors who wish to read further and explore Cardassian culture. Underneath the Cardassian links are the pick of Star Trek sites on the net today. Each of them are gems and worth revisiting time and time again. If you would like to recommend another site, please inform me through email. If you'd like to link to this site, look to the bottom of the page for more information.
Cardassian Links
The Official Casey Biggs Fan Club The Official Casey Biggs Fan Club
The official club for Casey Biggs. Great photos of Damar in and around Deep Space Nine sets.
Kamar Sutra: A Twisted Tribute to Elim Garak Kamar Sutra: A Twisted Tribute to Garak
The dream site for Garak fans. Fuelled by the passion of the webmaster Cattnip, this site is an extraordinary journey into the uncharted waters of her imagination.
Cardassia Prime Cardassia Prime
A compendium of FAQs and other interesting information about the Cardassians, their society, language, physiology, and politics.
Lady Kardasi's Domain Lady Kardasi's Domain
A thoroughly great fanfic central for all Cardassians, but with a concentration on Dukat.
Evacuee Sanctum: BGM's Stories Evacuee Santum
BGM, perhaps the best-known Garak/Julian slash writer, sets up her shop here. A lot of Garak information and other fanfic in the Sanctum as well.
Cardassia Sutra Cardassia Sutra
Featuring Cardassian fanfiction and Garak/Bashir slash.
Kelpie's World Kelpie's World
Kelpie's lovely sci-fi and Star Trek artwork -- with a focus on Gul Dukat!
The Official Andy Robinson Fan Club The Official Andy Robinson Fan club
The official club for Andrew Robinson, who portrays Mr. Garak. Contains a letter written to his fans from Mr. Robinson himself.
Gul Maket's Cardassia Prime Gul Maket's Cardassia Prime
A well designed site with lots of information on the Cardassians and an "Ask the Gul" section!
Dukat's Women Social Club Dukat's Women Social Club
A group of women whose mission is to celebrate the Cardassian Dukat.
Medical Log: Supplemental Cardassian Files Medical Log's Cardassian Files
A comprehensive look at Cardassian physiology, history, and a gallery of famous Cardassian nationals. Oh, and stop at Garak's Shop while you're there.

General Trek Links
The Borg Collective
The single most stunning site in content and presentation on the net.
Maximum Defiant
Great design with comprehensive Defiant information and media gallery.
The Great Link
Best resource for DS9 information and Star Trek news.
Sev Trek
The one and only place for killing Trek spoofs and parodies.
Psi Phi's Deep Space Nine
Home of the archives of great reviewer Tim.
Main Engineering
Amazing interface is worth the visit. Many games and interesting collectbles.
LCARS: Collective Database
Simply the premier LCARS site around. *Temporarily closed*
Belgarth Silverthorn ST Database
Impressive LCARS database covering all four series.
Ex Astris Scientia
Great info and many in-depth articles. Read about Bernd's adventures during his trip to the Star Trek World Tour and his contemplation of the possibility of time travel.
The Prophet's Path
The Prophets would be pleased to have such a site represent them.
Medical Log: Supplemental
Ok, so this is a plug for my main site. But it really isn't too bad. Be sure to take a tour of the Promenade and see what Julian has cooking in the Infirmary.
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