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AFI Awards. 1999. "NICOLE KIDMAN and CATE BLANCHETT to present at the 1999 AFI Awards". AFI. October 28, 1999.
Adamski, Katrina. 1999. "Cate helps out with a breast cancer screening". Sydney Sun-Herald. October 3, 1999
Barber, Lyndon/Brooks, Stephen. 2000. "Blanchett reigns as Australian of the Year". The Australian. January 22, 2000 ![]()
Barber, Lyndon. 2000. "All the world's her stage but theatre still beckons". The Australian". January 22, 2000.
Barber, Lyndon/Brooks, Stephen. 1999. "Stars party as tinsel comes to town". The Australian. November 8, 1999
BBC. 1999. "Cate Blanchett's Rise to the Throne". BBC News. April 27, 1999.
Beale, Lewis. 1998. "The Queen of Elizabeth". New York Daily News. November 10, 1998.
Blanchett, Cate. 1999. "Cate Blanchett on Crying in Public Places".This Is London. March 4, 1999.
Blanchett, Cate. 1999. "Cloudstreet's Ticket to Cloud Nine". Associated Newspapers Ltd. September 2, 1999.
Brown, Mick. 1999. "Pale and Interesting". Telegraph UK. March 27, 1999.
1999. "Golden Cate". Cable Guide Magazine. November 1999.
Clarke, Melissande. 1999. "The Talented Ms. Blanchett". Los Angeles Magazine. December 1999.
Cullen, Jenny. 1999. "Why We Love Cate". Australian Woman's Weekly. June 1999.
Danielson, Shane. 1999. "Globe At Her Feet". The Australian. January 30, 1999.
Floren, Erik. 2000. "The Eyes Definitely Have It". Edmonton Sun. January 4, 2000.
Herald Sun. 1999. "Aussie Star Just Right". Herald-Sun. May 17, 1999.
Hogan, Christine. 2000. "Women we Love". The Sun-Herald. March 5, 2000.
Koch, Phillip. 1999. "Yes Gwyneth we booed you, this is why" Sunday Telegraph. December 19, 1999.
Koha, Nui Te. 1999. "Paltrow Hits Out". The Herald Sun. December 15, 1999.
Lamb, Veronica. 1999. "Return of the Iconic Blonde". Sunday Herald-Sun. May 30 , 1999.
Manly, Chris and Sutherland, Claire. 1999. "Cate, Moss Steal Show". Herald Sun. May 25, 1999.
Overington, Caroline. 1999. "Hollywood Comes to Oz". The Age. April 12, 1999.
Portman, Jamie. 2000. "The many faces of Cate Blanchett". Ottawa Citizen.. January 15, 2000.
Riley, Mark. 1999. "The World At Her Feet". The Age. January 30, 1999.
Rowe, Douglas J. 1999. "Blanchett Still Has Doubts About Career". Associated Press. February 6, 1999.
Salisbury, Mark. 1999. "Let Them Meet Cate". Premiere Magazine. March 1999.
Self, Will. 1999. "Shape-Shifter". Sydney Morning Herald. July 31, 1999.
Snead, Elizabeth. 1999. "Cate Blanchett Captures Queen's Passion". USA Today. March 19, 1999.
Tannen, Mary. 2000. "Two-Faced Woman". The New York Times. February 20, 2000.
Wilson, Kim. 1999. "The Making of a Movie Star". Herald Sun. February 13, 1999.
1999. "Fox abuzz the day before opening" Sunday Telegraph. November 7, 1999.
Wyatt, Petronella. 1999. "Mum's The New Password". Telegraph UK. March 30, 1999.
Wallace, Mark. 1994. "Heartland". The Canberra Times TV Guide. March 20, 1994.
King, Greg. 1996. "An Interview With Parklands Producer Helen Bowden". The Reel Ring. March 1996.
Production Notes - Director's Statement
Beresford, Bruce. "Contract Killing". Sydney Morning Herald. May 29, 1999.
Rough Cut Q & A. "An Interview With Bruce Beresford". TNT's Rough Cut. April 18, 1997.
King, Greg. 1997. "Greg King Talks Weddings and Relationships With Alexandra Long". The Reel Ring. November 1997.
Production Notes - About The Story
Production Notes - About The Casting
Allen, Carol. 1998. "Obsessed With Misfits". The Times UK. April 1, 1998.
Dalton, Robin. 1998. "Gambling With Passion". Telegraph UK. March 28, 1998.
Fitzgerald, Michael. 1998. "The World At Her Feet". Time Magazine. January 26, 1998.
Hessey, Ruth. 1988. "The Wagers of Cinema". Sydney Morning Herald. January 16, 1998.
Hogan, Christine. 1998. "Double or Nothing: He's So Fiennes and Ms. Blanchett's Not Bad Either". Australian Harper's Bazaar and Mode. March 19, 1998.
Kendall, Lukas. 1998. " 'Oscar and Lucinda': The Movie, the Music, the Composer". Film Score Monthly. 1998
Landow, George P. and Farrell, Timothy. 1997. "Oscar and Lucinda: Religion and Political Overview". Brown University. 1997
Magid, Ron. 1998. "Religious Passage". American Cinematographer. February 1998.
Membory, York. 1998. "Cate's A Girl To Bet On". Evening Standard UK. March 18, 1998.
Phan, Aimee. 1998. " 'Oscar and Lucinda' Portrays No Ordinary Love Story". Daily Bruin. January 21, 1998.
Schembri, Jim. 1998. "The Folly That Left A Film Crew Shattered". The Age. January 20, 1998.
Schickel, Richard. 1997. "The Best Movies of 1997". Time Magazine. December 29, 1997.
Sylvester, Sherri. 1998. "Fiennes, Blanchett Gamble on 'Oscar and Lucinda' ". January 1, 1998.
BBC, 2000. "Elizabeth gets chopped for India". BBC. March 3, 2000.
Clint on, Paul. 1999. "Reviewer Puts 'Elizabeth', 'Ned Devine' Among 1998's Top Ten". CNN. December 29, 1999.
Clinton, Paul. 1998. "Broadcast Critics Name Top Ten Movies This Year". CNN. December 22, 1998.
Edwards-Jones, Imogen. 1997. "Cooler Shekhar". The Times UK, November 29, 1997.
Feinstein, Howard. 1998. "The Queen and I". Guardian UK. November 28, 1998.
Fischer, Paul. 1998. "Elizabeth: Modern Thriller, Funny Clothes". Urban Cinefile. November 1998.
Gardner, Lyn. 1999. "Queen Bee". Guardian UK. March 16, 1999.
Gristwood, Sarah. 1998. "The New Nicole Kidmans". This Is London. October 2, 1998.
Hobson , Louis B. 1999. "Royal Treatment". The Calgary Sun. March 15, 1999.
Johnston, Sheila. 1998. "G'day to You Queen Bess". Telegraph UK. September 22, 1998.
Kirkland, Bruce. 1998. "Elizabeth I Real Faction". Toronto Sun. September 15, 1998.
Kirkland, Bruce. 1998. "Elizabeth's Cate Blanchett Hasn't Hitched Her Hopes to Hollywood Fame". Toronto Sun. November 7, 1998.
Lowery, Michele. 1998. "For Queen and Country". American Cinematographer. December 1998.
Lybarger, Dan. 1998. "Fit For A Queen". The Lybarger Links. November 20, 1998.
Martin, Laureen. 1998. "Blanchett is Amused, Yet Wary". Sydney Morning Herald. October 20, 1998.
McClelland, Mark. 1998. "God Save the Queen". The Week-India. April 26, 1998.
Musto, Michael. 1999. "La Dolce Musto". The Village Voice. October 21, 1998.
Pais, Arthur J. 1998. "In Her Majesty's Service". Rediff-India. November 23, 1998.
Pais, Arthur J. 1999. "No Oscars For Mr. Kapur". Redoff-India. February 11, 1999.
Randoja, Ingrid. 1998. "Awesome Aussie Export Discovers Virgin Queen's Lusty Side". Now On Canada. November 5, 1998.
Raymond, Gerard. 1998. "Ardor in the Court". The Village Voice. November 3, 1998.
Reardon, Jimmie. 1998. "Queen Cate". Filmink Australia. November 1998.
Stark, Susan. 1998. "Little Known Actress Cate Blanchett Gets A Career-Making Role". The Detroit News. November 14, 1998.
Susman, Gary. 1998. "Not Like A Virgin". The Boston Phoenix. November 19, 1998.
Tush, Bill. 1998. " 'Elizabeth' Brings Queen's Life To Big Screen". CNN. November 4, 1998.
Urbancich, John. 1998. "Cutting A Regal Figure". The Cleveland Sun. November 19, 1998.
Williamson, Kim. 1998. "Their Elizabethan Era". Boxoffice Magazine. October 1998.
Reees, Jasper. 1999. "Where There's Plenty Going On". This Is London. June 30, 1999.
Wroe, Nicholas. 1999. "Makeover Artist". Guardian UK. November 13, 1999.
Blanchett, Cate. 1999. Evening Standard UK. October 26, 1999.
Christopher, James. 1999. "Rupert Everett Plus The Wisdom of An Ideal Husband Equals Hit". The Times UK. April 15, 1999.
Graham, Renee. 1999. "Opening Up Wilde". Boston Globe June 20, 1999.
Pendreigh, Brian. 1999. "And the World Went Wilde". The Guardian UK. April 2, 1999.
Schaefer, Stephen. 1999. "Wilde Thing". . June 13, 1999.
Byrne, Bridget. 1999. "Anthony In Rome". Boxoffice Magazine. November 1999.
Clarke, Melissande. 1999. "The Talented Ms. Blanchett". Los Angeles Magazine. December 1999.
Friedman, Roger. 1999. "The Oscar-bound Mr. Ripley". Fox 411. December 9, 1999.
Green, Brad. 2000. "Mr. Ripley Soundtrack Review". Cinefile. February 2000.
Harrison, Eric. 1999. "At One With The Stranger". Los Angeles Times. December 19, 1999.
Holden, Simon. October 25, 1999. "Blanchett Proves There's Life After Death". Big Screen UK. 1999.
Minghella, Anthony. 2000. "Italy--The Director's Cut". Guardian UK. February 26, 2000.
Minghella, Anthony. 1999. "A Date With Cate". Guardian UK. April 18, 1999. O'Toole, Lesley. 2000. "An Oscar? No Thanks". The Express UK. February 6, 2000. Rich, Frank. 1999. "American Pseudo". New York Times.December 19, 1999. Rodda, Rachel. 1999. "Cate's a Goddess of the Screen". The Australian. December 14, 1999.
Thomson, David. 1999. "Without Them, Mr. Ripley Would Be A Nobody". New York Times. December 19, 1999.
Urban, Andrew. 2000. "Cate Blanchett On 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'". The Bulletin. February 9, 2000 Urban, Andrew. 2000. "Anthony Minghella Interview". Cinefile. February 2000. ![]()
Urban, Andrew. 2000. "John Seale Interview". Cinefile. February 2000.
Westbrook, Bruce. 1999. "Shooting Stars". Houston Chronicle. December 15, 1999.
Cavenett, Wendy. 1998. "Mandy Sayer". The iZINE. May 1998.
The Australian. May 16, 1999.
Cleave, Louisa. 1999. "Blanchett wears crown in trilogy's stellar lineup". New Zealand Herald. October 9, 1999.
Hayes, Dade. 1999. "Blanchett puts on New Line's 'Rings'" Variety. October 8, 1999.
Mr Showbiz. 1999. "Blanchett rounds out Rings cast" Mr. Showbiz News. October 8, 1999.
New Line Cinema 1999. "Lord Of The Rings Is Official" Press Release. October 8, 1999.
1999. "Lord of the Rings Inception".Official Rings Page October 1999
Variety 2000. "Reeves wraps up villain in Raimi's 'Gift' ensemble". Variety. January 2000. ![]()
Cochran, Charles. 2000. "Guyton mechanic greases skids for Hollywood actor" Savannah Now February 4, 2000
Mr. Showbiz. 2000. "Blanchett tipped for Minghella's next" Mr. Showbiz News. January 6, 2000.
Anderson, Kasia. 2000. "Blanchett Hot on the Trail of a Killer Role in Lives" Reel.Com. March 7, 2000.
Beale, Lewis. 1998. "The Queen of Elizabeth". New York Daily News. November 10, 1998.
Brunett, Peter. 1998. "Cate Blanchett Gives 'Elizabeth' A Human Face". Boston Globe. November 14, 1998.
Feinstein, Howard. 1998. "The Queen and I". Guardian UK. November 28, 1998.
Fischer, Paul. 1998. "Elizabeth: Modern Thriller, Funny Clothes". Urban Cinefile. November 1998.
Fitzgerald, Michael. 1998. "The World At Her Feet". Time Magazine. January 26, 1998.
Gerstel, Judy. 1998. "Blanchett Comes Out of Nowhere Fast". Toronto Star. November 6, 1998.
Gristwood, Sarah. 1998. "The New Nicole Kidmans". This Is London. October 2, 1998.
Hogan, Christine. 1998. "Double or Nothing: He's So Fiennes and Ms. Blanchett's Not Bad Either". Australian Harper's Bazaar and Mode. March 19, 1998.
Kirkland, Bruce. 1998. "Elizabeth I Real Faction". Toronto Sun. September 15, 1998.
Kirkland, Bruce. 1998. "Elizabeth's Cate Blanchett Hasn't Hitched Her Hopes to Hollywood Fame". Toronto Sun. November 7, 1998.
Marcelli, Pierpaolo. 1998. "I'll Work in Rome With Matt Damon". La Biennale di Venezia. September 9, 1998.
Martin, Laureen. 1998. "Blanchett is Amused, Yet Wary". Sydney Morning Herald. October 20, 1998.
Membory, York. 1998. "Cate's A Girl To Bet On". This Is London. March 18, 1998.
Nechack, Paula. 1998. "Cate Blanchett Interview". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Fall, 1998.
O'Toole, Lesley. 2000. "An Oscar? No Thanks". The Express UK. February 6, 2000.
Randoja, Ingrid. 1998. "Awesome Aussie Export Discovers Virgin Queen's Lusty Side". Now On Canada. November 5, 1998.
Rowe, Douglas J. 1999. "Blanchett Still Has Doubts About Career". Associated Press. February 6, 1999.
Schaefer, Stephen. 1999. "Wilde Thing". . June 13, 1999.
Self, Will. 1999. "Shape-Shifter". Sydney Morning Herald. July 31, 1999.
Throsby, Margaret. 1999. "Radio Interview" ABC Classic FM Interview.. January, 1999.
White, Lesley. 1999. "Complicated" Sunday Times Magazine. October 24, 1999.
Urban, Andrew. 2000. "Cate Blanchett On 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'". The Bulletin. February 9, 2000
Williamson, Kim. 1998. "Their Elizabethan Era". Boxoffice Magazine. October 1998.