Animated Sidekicks

The Animated Sidekicks WebRing

This ring was designed for pages who are devoted to, or substantually include, animated sidekicks. This is includes sidekicks of movies, television, stop-motion, CGI, anime, etc. I'm pretty flexible in that reguard. It does not have to be a feature animation sidekick--after all, they all deserve recognition! Jiji, Zero, Cutter, even Jar Jar count! My only requirements are that the page must have content and must have a good section of the page devoted to a sidekick or sidekicks. No sites of links, no sites that just mention the sidekicks in a summary--you know what I'm going for. Finally, as always, final admission is at the Ringmistress's discretion.
Also note that you may place this ring on a webring page--it doesn't have to be located on the main page. I, of all people, know how annoying this requirement can be. ;)

Step #1: Submit your site for review below

Your Name:

Your Site Title:

Your Site URL:

Your Email:

Choose A Password:

Keywords (Up to 20):


Step #2: Choose your WebRing code

After you have submitted your site, please choose one of the following rings styles. Then cut and paste the html code for the webring of your choice and place it on your site. These are the choices I have to start with, but if you have an anime, CGI, or some other animated sidekick style page and would like a different ring picture for it, Email me and I'll be happy to see about making one for you (it will then become one of the choices here as well). :) If you are web and graphic talented, then by all means, you may create your own sidekicks ring graphic. However, please do note that the graphics ARE image maps, and if you do not know how to make image maps and/or make you graphic's text in different places than the other images here, your ring will be *wrong*! Only try this if you are familiar with image maps. You may also give the ring text links if you would like to, or alter it in any way you like to suit your page just so long as you keep these links on it. :)
For each "SITENUMBER" in the code, place the number of your site in the WebRing. In other words: the one given to you when you filled out the form (Ex: if your sitenumber is 5 then the code would look like "id=5;list").

Note: if you set this html onto your page, but none of the links work/highlight up as links, then something is wrong with your code. If this happens, the Ringmistress will probably email you within a day to tell you what is wrong with your code, but it is also a good idea to email her if you do not recieve such a notice.

Ring #1 (Default Ring)

Ring #1

<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="/Hollywood/Land/8710/asring1.jpg" alt="The Animated Sidekicks WebRing" title="The Animated Sidekicks Webring" usemap="#asring"> <map name="asring"> <area shape="rect" alt="Join" title="Join" coords="95,45,126,62" href="/Hollywood/Land/8710/ring.html"> <area shape="rect" alt="Previous" title="Previous" coords="149,45,210,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;prev"> <area shape="rect" alt="Random" title="Random" coords="230,45,284,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;random"> <area shape="rect" alt="Next" title="Next" coords="305,45,337,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;next"> <area shape="rect" alt="List" title="List" coords="361,45,385,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;list"> <area shape="default" nohref> </map>

Ring #2

Ring #2

<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="/Hollywood/Land/8710/asring2.jpg" alt="The Animated Sidekicks WebRing" title="The Animated Sidekicks Webring" usemap="#asring"> <map name="asring"> <area shape="rect" alt="Join" title="Join" coords="77,45,103,62" href="/Hollywood/Land/8710/ring.html"> <area shape="rect" alt="Previous" title="Previous" coords="127,45,188,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;prev"> <area shape="rect" alt="Random" title="Random" coords="209,45,262,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;random"> <area shape="rect" alt="Next" title="Next" coords="283,45,315,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;next"> <area shape="rect" alt="List" title="List" coords="341,45,363,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;list"> <area shape="default" nohref> </map>

Ring #3

Ring #3

<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="/Hollywood/Land/8710/asring3.jpg" alt="The Animated Sidekicks WebRing" title="The Animated Sidekicks Webring" usemap="#asring"> <map name="asring"> <area shape="rect" alt="Join" title="Join" coords="151,45,177,62" href="/Hollywood/Land/8710/ring.html"> <area shape="rect" alt="Previous" title="Previous" coords="201,45,261,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;prev"> <area shape="rect" alt="Random" title="Random" coords="282,45,337,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;random"> <area shape="rect" alt="Next" title="Next" coords="357,45,380,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;next"> <area shape="rect" alt="List" title="List" coords="414,45,436,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;list"> <area shape="default" nohref> </map>

Ring #4

Ring #4

<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="/Hollywood/Land/8710/asring4.jpg" alt="The Animated Sidekicks WebRing" title="The Animated Sidekicks Webring" usemap="#asring"> <map name="asring"> <area shape="rect" alt="Join" title="Join" coords="107,45,136,62" href="/Hollywood/Land/8710/ring.html"> <area shape="rect" alt="Previous" title="Previous" coords="158,45,221,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;prev"> <area shape="rect" alt="Random" title="Random" coords="240,45,297,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;random"> <area shape="rect" alt="Next" title="Next" coords="316,45,349,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;next"> <area shape="rect" alt="List" title="List" coords="373,45,397,62" href=";id=SITENUMBER;list"> <area shape="default" nohref> </map>

Step #3: Email Me!

As soon as I get your submission in my inbox, I will go directly to your site, check the ring and site for validity, then add you to the ring. If I go to your site and do not find the ring up yet, I do not intend to keep checking back everyday to see if it's ready to be added yet. Bascially, if you wait to put your ring code up after submitting your site and do not receive a "You have been added!" email, then please email me to tell me that your site is ready.

WebRing Homepage: Animated Sidekicks

Edit Your Site's Information

© 1999 Mirana Reveier

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