Welcome to Whispering
Winds, my retreat on the web. Please feel free to make yourself at home
here. You're more than welcome to come back and visit any time. I'm a woman living in Northern Virginia with my husband and our dog. I've lived in this area for about 6 years. I lived in the New River Valley for about 13 years though I'm originally from Maryland where some of my family still live. I graduated from a high school with Vikings as a mascot, so I'm partial to anything related to vikings. I love dogs and cats. I'm always curious about the people I meet, so I won't keep you in suspense if you're curious about me...

Current Interests

Right now I work for an accounting company. When I was in Blacksburg, I worked for Virginia
Tech. I enjoy reading, writing, being outside, exploring new places, spending time with good friends, being part of the local theatre productions,
and learning as much as possible. I'd like to find a way to save the
rain forests, the oceans, and the Chesapeake Bay. It'd be nice to know that
wishes can come true and see more people become organ donors. Other than the
things I've listed, I've got a whole great big list of interests I'll never
find the time to explore.
And now, without further interruptions, may
I present to you your host.....
Since the wind that whispers carries my soul,
here are some things you might hear on the wind some day...
Pounding the Boards
- Theatre and Performing Arts
of Experiencing the World - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
(still under construction)
to Respect the
Mother - Organizations, Environmental Topics, and
Body Electric - Organ Donation, Health Watch, and
If you'd like to arrange to meet another time
or discuss anything I've shared with you, please email
me and let me know. Take care and thanks again for visiting Whispering