Jenn - 11/13/00 19:38:39 My URL: My FAV BSB: All of them! | Comments: This is such a rockin site! I love it! I'm 100% sure that this site will be the biggest. Jenn, KTBPA |
Gaby - 11/01/00 02:53:22 My URL: My ICQ#: 663344899 AOL IM: HunnyBiz FAV BSB: AJ, but I like the rest of them as well | Comments: I really like your site!! You're stories are really cool!!! You are very creative! I'm working on mine still! Well, anyways if you ever need any help, or anyone for that matter just look me up!!! |
Amie - 10/15/00 06:16:45 My URL: My AOL IM: Sunny4life13 FAV BSB: Nicky | Comments: I think ur stories rox!!!! They are so way kool dude!!!! |
Hamidah - 09/09/00 19:40:30 My URL:/backstreethotel14/ FAV BSB: Nick & AJ | Comments: Hey it's Hamidah! Thanks so much for the award! I really appreciate it! THANK U! I also loved If You Knew What I Knew! That story got so addictive! I would race home from school just to go and read the next chapters of the story! It got my all teary too! ou are a very talented writer! |
Rachel - 09/06/00 15:46:44 My AOL IM: CarterAngel69 FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: I absolutely loved "If You Knew What I Knew"! Keep up the good work! |
Lily Prescott - 09/05/00 15:53:08 My URL: My FAV BSB: kevin | Comments: Cool site I'll put the wrong URL at my first signing. SORRY! |
Lily Prescott - 09/05/00 15:46:37 My URL: My FAV BSB: kevin | Comments: Cool site. The name of my site is Destination:Backstreet and I plan to put your link up. |
Ashley - 08/21/00 17:58:31 My URL: My ICQ#: 14927226 FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: I love both of You're stories You did an excellent job on Both, I can't wait till you finish Didn't we almost have it all |
Hamidah - 08/15/00 13:57:48 My URL: FAV BSB: Nick & AJ | Comments: Waz up? Well, just dropped by & read up to chap. 5 of If you knew what I knew, (a beautiful song written by AJ), & I hope to return to read it all! Cuz it was great! Well, keep up the good work, and remember to visit & VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! |
Bells - 08/12/00 03:04:54 My Email:daisyspice123& FAV BSB: AJ | Comments: If you Knew what I knew was a great story. I loved it and everytime I get signed into BSB Fan Fiction I always come to your site to see if you have any thing new. Keep writing. Bells |
katrine - 07/31/00 18:54:36 My FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: Hi,i have loved bsb since the millennium cd.i have printed pictures in a looooong time now, i wish i can meet them some time. i have loved all the pictures so far i hav to go now,bye |
LIndsey - 07/25/00 18:19:31 My AOL IM: lilly23220 FAV BSB: brian | Comments: wow! those are incredible stories! i loved "if you knew what i knew"! that sotry was very well written! and your newest one sounds like it'll be a terrific story once it's finished! i look forward to reading more of it! KTBPA! |
Mandy - 07/13/00 00:07:37 My URL: My | Comments: I don't usually sign guestbooks, but I when I came across your site I thought it was one of the best sites I've visited. Please check out my BSB fanfic hosting site. |
Mollie V. - 07/07/00 03:46:28 My URL: My AOL IM: mystyksuga FAV BSB: A.J. | Comments: Hey ya'll! I'm just droppin' by to tell you that your site is by of the nicer ones I've visited. Keep up the good work and I'll be sure to stop by in the future. Peace! |
Emily - 07/04/00 02:05:30 My URL: My ICQ#: 48641752 FAV BSB: AJ | Comments: hey! Just thought I'd drop by and tell you that I really liked "If You Knew What I Knew". (I wanted to sign in yesterday, but my computer crashed.) And thanks for the award, I appreciate it very much!! c-ya!! |
Amanda - 06/17/00 21:36:58 My URL: My AOL IM: DevilDance69 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: Nice site. I'm in da midst of reading the stories right now. |
Lorrie - 06/16/00 15:03:45 My FAV BSB: Kevin | Comments: Great website. I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work!! |
Patti - 06/16/00 01:00:50 My URL: My ICQ#: nope AOL IM: nope FAV BSB: AJ | Comments: Hi |
Alicia - 06/13/00 15:04:20 My URL: My ICQ#: 57395771 AOL IM: Quicksilver1922 FAV BSB: Howie | Comments: Great site! I like reading your stories. Keep writing! |
Jordan(I'm a girl) - 06/13/00 13:50:08 My URL: My FAV BSB: Nick & Brian | Comments: Hey your sote is really cool!!! Keep up the great work!!! |
Veronique - 06/13/00 02:55:50 My URL: My FAV BSB: Howie | Comments: Your stories are really great. I love them so much. I can't wait to read more of your last one. The stories are awesome. |
Mandy - 06/12/00 02:18:26 My AOL IM: crazymanda145 FAV BSB: Nickolas Gene Carter | Comments: |
Aubrey - 06/09/00 20:06:05 My AOL IM: MochaBean86 FAV BSB: ALL | Comments: Hey there Lauren, the stories are really good and I wouldn't have thought of those concepts. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to knowing what ends "Didn't We Almost Have It All" Take care! Love, Aubrey |
Katie - 05/29/00 01:43:40 My FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: Very good story, I really enjoyed it. |
Linda - 05/25/00 14:34:04 My FAV BSB: Brian! | Comments: Hi, I just found your page and I wanted to tell you that I really like your stories! Bye! |
danielle - 05/23/00 02:31:01 My FAV BSB: aj of course | Comments: i read "if you knew what i knew" and it was by far the bestdamn fanfic i have ever read in my life. everything about it was great, that's excatly how they would act too cursing jokily at each other i can just see it. it was well written and if it were a ook it would need some sort of award or medal or something it was so good. anywayz bye |
Molly - 05/20/00 04:02:15 My URL: My AOL IM: ScottysMolly FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: I love you stories! Keep up the awesome work!!!!! |
Leigh Hutton - 05/18/00 11:47:42 My URL: My FAV BSB: Kevin | Comments: Wow...another story out there with that Canadian touch. Nice to see! I will be checking back for more. For another "Canadian" story, check out my Kevin fan fiction site at : Keep up the good work! |
Ashley - 05/14/00 01:14:59 My AOL IM: B3J3M2 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: Hey!! i love the story! it's the best one i've read so far!! but i think you should change the ending from nick being only 18 to like 22. because 18 is alittle too young!! but i still love it!! bye! |
Jen Carter - 05/10/00 21:31:18 My AOL IM: KAOScritic FAV BSB: Brian/Nick | Comments: From one writer to another, I say you have things going your way. Your story (the one that's finished) was great, but the other one is even better I can't wait to read part 5. Keep the juice flowing. |
ieva - 05/06/00 09:18:24 My URL: My ICQ#: don't remember now... AOL IM: sweeyieva FAV BSB: 1. Brian 2.Nick | Comments: well, i'm a girl who created you a banner. =) so, i didn't read your fan fics to the fullest but i should say you're a very good writer and a creative girl. so keep doing good works! =) good luck. |
Angie - 05/06/00 04:15:29 My FAV BSB: Brian and Howie | Comments: I loved the story NIck and Lauren sounded like the perfect couple. |
Lynsay - 05/03/00 21:07:21 My ICQ#: 72657254 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: I love 'if you knew what i knew' i just printed it off so i'll have it for like ages...i'm like addicted to fanfiction and i hope u keep up the good work...your new story looks really good aswell!!!! ktbspa!! c ya |
JessicaSweetD - 04/26/00 00:14:50 My ICQ#: 28803641 AOL IM: laverneaw FAV BSB: Howie&Kevin | Comments: I just read "If you knew what I know" and I have to tell you...I could not stop reading it!! It was so good!! I hope you put more stories up, I'd love to read them! Jessica |
Kathy - 04/22/00 06:24:49 My ICQ#: 55126899 FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: I love your stories keep updating! :) ~Kathy |
Alicia - 04/17/00 15:03:20 | Comments: Ok, I don't even like the BSB but this site is great I have no clue how I got here but I love it!! |
Debb - 04/16/00 05:23:03 My URL: My AOL IM: brian roks24 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: GREAT new story, I can't wait to see what happens! Please update soon!!! |
Courtney - 04/14/00 03:08:58 My FAV BSB: Kevin | Comments: Like I have said before, you are a great writer, I loved your story, you make it all seem so real. I am looking forward to reading your new one!! Aloha!! |
Reiko - 04/14/00 01:07:24 My FAV BSB: All Of Them | Comments: Your new story is starting out great. Hope you update alot. Can't wait for more chapters. |
Erin - 04/13/00 22:04:37 My AOL IM: ninOMALLEY FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: I love your stories!!! You are very talented!!! |
Brittany - 04/13/00 21:46:55 My FAV BSB: I love them all!!! | Comments: Your story "Didn't We Almost Have it All" is really good. I like it so far, please send out more quick =:) |
Angie - 04/13/00 00:42:37 My URL: My AOL IM: Evee2198bb FAV BSB: AJ (but I luv 'em all!) | Comments: OMG!! Your story is the best! AAHHH! I have to read the other one now! So I better get to it! Keep writing! KTBSPA! |
Jaymi - 03/18/00 00:13:14 My FAV BSB: NICK! | Comments: Hey! Great story! Not the usual 'move in next door and fall in love' stuff! It's great to read something different for a change. You are a very talented writer so keep up the good work! Lemme know when you update! |
dulce - 03/15/00 23:53:11 My FAV BSB: nick | Comments: hey i really like the story and i would like to know what happens next. let me know when e-mail me. |
Kel Littrell - 03/15/00 01:45:59 My URL: My FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: This is a great story and I can't wait to read more of it. ~Kel~ |
Sophia - 03/14/00 21:38:28 My AOL IM: peach2nug FAV BSB: AJ all the way | Comments: o my god, i have to know how the story ends! please please please tell me when ur finished, it was so good. |
Debbie - 03/08/00 03:36:05 My URL:/SunsetStrip/Show/5475 My AOL IM: brian roks24 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: Awesome, Lauren, really awesome. You really know how to keep people coming back for more. Please update soon!!! |
Christy - 02/28/00 03:25:28 My URL: My ICQ#: 41270523 AOL IM: AJsPrincess16 FAV BSB: AJ | Comments: Great job so far!! Update soon, please!! |
gabrielle - 02/25/00 18:35:55 My FAV BSB: brian baby!!!! | Comments: i like your story a lot--it's different ... not the usual--- concert meeting and fall in love blah blah blah..... cantt wait for more chapters.... |
Kipley - 02/25/00 06:25:01 My AOL IM: pudgemuffin FAV BSB: Howie | Comments: I'm really enjoying the story keep up the great work. |
Anne - 02/21/00 06:04:47 | Comments: I kinda screwed up on my first entry. Lauren I love the story! Keep up the good work! |
Anne - 02/21/00 06:03:49 My URL: My AOL IM: Calli1514 FAV BSB: Nick! | Comments: |
Dee - 02/17/00 22:52:17 My URL: My AOL IM: brian roks24 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: Your story is REALLY great, keep writing more cuz I can't WAIT to see what's gonna happen next!!! |
- 01/22/00 10:05:01 | Comments: |
Lyndsey - 01/21/00 20:42:20 My ICQ#: 54741394 AOL IM: nolechic8 FAV BSB: (don't have one) | Comments: The story is awesome! ... and that's saying alot cause i dont even like the bsb that much ..... PLEASE keep updating .... im dying to know what happens! Lyndsey : ) |
Ivy - 01/17/00 18:47:33 My AOL IM: Dopee4U FAV BSB: Kevin | Comments: you are a very talented writter... please keep me updated on new postings of new chapters...much love, Ivy |
bailey - 01/10/00 01:18:50 My ICQ#: 19858462 AOL IM: bsbbai20 FAV BSB: nick | Comments: just testing....great story |
Debbie - 01/06/00 20:40:59 My URL: My AOL IM: brian roks24 FAV BSB: Brian (duh) | Comments: Wow, you've got an AWESOME story! Update soon, cuz I want to know what happens! |
Kristina - 01/02/00 03:41:20 My URL: My AOL IM: Pitcherkms FAV BSB: AJ | Comments: I love your story! PLease update!!! :) Keep it up!!Bye! K.T.B.S.P.A.!!!!! |
Gia - 12/29/99 04:07:56 AOL IM: BabeGirl8 FAV BSB: Nick | Comments: This story rocks!!! I can't wait to read what happens. I hope you update soon! :) |
Andrea - 12/14/99 22:13:38 FAV BSB: BRIAN | Comments: Great job so far-update it soon!!! |
mandi - 12/09/99 01:08:12 My FAV BSB: A.J. (your pretend brother! ~*giggling*~>=o) | Comments: I really like this Fan fic! Pwease Pwease Pwease update soon. ~*sniff*~ I can't wait to see what happens! ~hugs~ *kisses* #Mickey D's# & Alexander James McLean! Love always, Mandi |
Jessica - 11/14/99 23:02:18 My URL:http://hi Lauren! don't got one! My FAV BSB: My angel Brian! | Comments: Well...I haven't read your story yet, but I will tonite or sometime! Is it finished, or are you still adding chapters?? KTBPA!!! luv, Jessica |
Nisey - 10/26/99 22:10:56 My URL: My ICQ#: 28461108 AOL IM: nisey81 FAV BSB: AJ! | Comments: whoops! wrong link, lol ![]() |
Nisey - 10/26/99 22:09:55 My URL: My ICQ#: 28461108 AOL IM: nisey81 FAV BSB: AJ! | Comments: hey! i'm gonna check out ur story, but i jsut wanted to sign ur gb first, hehe. Ur on my linx page! ![]() |
Chelsea 'the pimp' Chatfield - 10/22/99 00:36:19 My Email:foxyroxy007 FAV BSB: Brian 'the stud' | Comments: Lauren is the pimp $h!* and i luv your page Crazy Canadians, is it cold there!?! |
meghan kirsch - 10/20/99 20:26:48 My ICQ#: 38255586 FAV BSB: Brian | Comments: This page is the bomb i come here every day it is my life |
bailey - 10/20/99 03:31:15 My ICQ#: 19858462 AOL IM: bsbbai20 FAV BSB: nick | Comments: this story rox!!!!!! |