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This site is home to the fanfic stories I've written.  Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and enjoy!!
Poor Jack is quite probably wishing I'd never found him and his team. . .
Click on the Stargate to find out what bad things have happened to the team lately <g>
Poor, Poor Tommy.  He's definitely had a rough way to go here in Kathy's Korner. . .
Click on the picture to find out for yourself what mean and horrible things have happened!
Alas, poor Peter has had his share of woes.  Can Pop keep him out of trouble here in the Korner?? 
Click on the picture to find out what Peter, Pop, and the rest of the gang from the101st have been up to!
visitors have dropped by the Korner.
Wanna yell at me for being mean to John, Rodney, Ronon, Carson, Jack, Daniel, Tom, Peter and their respective friends?  Wanna encourage me to be even meaner?  (Yep, thought so. . .<g>) Just click on the box!
Story added on July 30, 2006!
Updated Story -- March 05, 2005!
New stories and updates
added to the
Stargate section  July, 2006
John, Rodney, and Carson thought that 'gating to an entirely differently galaxy would keep them safe from the Korner Kurse.

They were *
so* wrong... <hehehe>