First Love... A Dedication to
Danny Chan...
In memory of the talented Hong Kong artiste
who'd passed away on 25 Oct 1993...
花 人
雖 生
芬 無
芳 常
終 豈
須 奈
落 何
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俗 不
世 戀
凡 醉
塵 夢
今 空
朝 蹉
脫 跎
All is transitory in this fleeting world,
let me escape from it's illusions and vanities...
About the background music:
can be found in his 1985 album "
*~*25/10/2008*~* ... *~*07/09/2008*~* I'm feeling alittle sad today... It's Danny's birthday and the 9th anniversary of this website which officially opens to public on 7 Sep 1999... Time passes in a blink and many things have changed... the only thing that did not change was my love for Danny's song... Been pondering about life again... *~*02/02/2008*~* Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Countries, Brand :) *~*11/07/2007*~* Just bought Danny's special edition DVD "On trail" *~*09/07/2007*~* Updated webpages: Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Countries Page 4 & 5, Misc Page 4 and Cartoons Page 3. :) *~*28/08/2006*~* Updated webpages: added Danny Chan's Lyrics Page, Found a song which he sang with other singers: 1985 IYY *~*8/05/2006*~* Finally, got one of Danny Chan's stamps from the Yahoo Auction :) Updated webpages: added Danny Chan's Pic Page 18 & 19, Danny Chan's Albums (my recent collection) Aboutme's Deck of Cards - :) *~*28/04/2006*~* Updated webpages: Aboutme's Deck of Cards - :) *~*7/12/2005*~* Updated webpages: Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Airlines Page 1 & 2, Chinese Page 2 and Misc Page 2. :) *~*31/10/2005*~* "A special stamp issue with the theme of "Hong Kong Pop Singers" will be issued on Tuesday, 8 November 2005. This is the first set of stamps to be issued by Hongkong Post that features Hong Kong's popular singers, saluting five pop stars who have left their marks on Cantopop music history" "... Danny Chan on the $1.80..." More details on *~*25/10/2005*~* Forever and ever... Danny's 12th Death anniversary... 永在怀念中。。。 *~*17/07/2005*~* Updated webpages: Danny Chan V8 Page & Pic's Page 17 :) Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Airlines Page 1, Educational Page 1 & Astrology. :) If you see messy codes in the pages, it was because I have to change my Chinese font from B5 Tradition to GB Simple :( I will in future use English as the main language for this site :P *~*20/12/2004*~* Added two pictures in Danny Chan Pic's page 13 :) Wishing all Danny's fans: Merry Christmas!!! 新增添兩張彩照于陳百強照片頁之13 :) 恭祝陳百強之歌迷: 聖誕快樂!!! *~*15/12/2004*~* Finally I'd bought Danny Chan's Score book, :) Updated webpage: Danny Chan Album's page & Pic's page 14, 15, 16 Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Countries, Chinese, Educational & Misc, Aboutme's Essay 終於買了陳百強的曲譜 :) 已更新網頁有: 陳百強專輯錄及照片頁之14, 15, 16 我的故事之撲克牌之國家,華文,教育及其他 我的故事之水手物語 *~*17/11/2004*~* Updated Danny Chan's V8 Page and Pictorial Page 12, Aboutme's Deck of Cards - Brands & People Webpage, Jukebox's Chinese Lyrics Webpage 已更新陳百強影視篇和增添照片第12頁^_^, 我的故事之撲克牌之品牌及人物網頁, 獻上這歌之中文歌詞之韓國歌網頁 *~*25/10/2004*~* 陳百強逝世11周年了。。。永在懷念中。。。 Danny's 11th death anniversary... always remembered... *~*18/10/2004*~* Updated Danny Chan's Albums Page and Pic Page 13 Updated webpages in this site: Aboutme's Deck of Cards Webpage 更新陳百強專輯錄及增添照片第13頁 已更新的網頁有﹕我的故事之撲克牌網頁 *~*17/09/2004*~* Updated webpages in this site: Aboutme's Deck of Cards Webpage 已更新的網頁有﹕我的故事之撲克牌網頁 *~*14/09/2004*~* Updated webpages in this site: Jukebox's Chinese Lyrics Webpage 已更新的網頁有﹕獻上這歌之中文歌詞網頁 *~*12/07/2004*~* Completed Danny Chan's Song Lyrics Page :) 大工告成!!! 終於完成陳百強歌詞網頁 - 已經加入的歌詞有: “1991年紫色個體演唱會”, “只因愛你”,“親愛的您”及其他。 *~*08/06/2004*~* Updated Danny Chan's Movie Page and Pictorial Page 12 已更新電影篇和增添照片第12頁^_^ *~*07/03/2004*~* Danny Chan's Song lyrics - 1991 album "Love In L.A." completed :} Updated Irresistible Song Lyrics webpage 已更新中英文歌詞網頁及陳百強歌詞網頁 1991 年"Love In L.A."專輯 ^_^ *~*27/11/2003*~* Just bought Danny's drama "Break Through" Updated for Danny's Movie page ,Information page & Picture page 6. I have included the story for Danny's drama "Break Through" New Picture Page 12 剛剛買了陳百強的連續劇“突破”。已更新的網頁有﹕ 資料科,電影篇和照片第六頁 增添照片第12頁 *~*04/11/2003*~* Song lyrics for Danny's 1990 album "等待您" completed :} *~*25/10/2003*~* Today is Danny's death, 10th Annivasary, feels abit moody... As I have known some friends who don't know Chinese, I have decided to add a webpage on brief Information of Danny in Englsih. 今天是陳百強的十周年忌日,心情有點藍藍的。。。 剛認識一些不會華語的朋友,所以開了一篇陳百強資料的英語網頁。 Song lyrics for Danny's 1989 album "一生何求" completed :} *~*15/09/2003*~* Hi, just uploaded a few pictures of Danny Chan, can be found in Page 10 of the Picture webpage ^_^ 大家好,剛剛上載了陳百強的几張照片,可再照片篇第十頁找到 ^_^ *~*07/08/2003*~* This July was a Korean drama month for me, been crazy for the "Hotelier" till I can't resist but creating a webpage especially for it and because of this drama.... I'm also crazy for the actor and actress hehehe! Webpage is found in "Jotting's August 2003" ^_^ 正個七月無法從韓劇“情定大飯店”退房,無法自拔到不能不特別為它開個網頁,嘻嘻!也因此情定“裴勇俊與宋允兒”。。。網頁就在“水手物語之八月份” ^_^ *~*30/6/2003*~* Updated "Cats" webpage which is found in the webpage Aboutme. Hope that everyone will feel more happier after surfing! ^_^ 整理了“我的故事”網頁里的“貓兒”網頁。希望大家看后心情更快樂! ^_^ *~*16/3/2003*~* I have managed to add more lyrics in the "Irresistible Song Lyrics" Chinese songs webpage, songs found there are my most loved... (and hope that all will be in good health and may the SARS disappeared in no time...) 整理了“歌者戀歌”的華語歌詞網頁,都是我喜愛的歌曲。 (p.s. 希望大家能盡早脫離 SARS 病魔的糾纏。。。身體健康!) *~*5/3/2003*~* It is my wish that I can complete the lyrics web pages for Danny Chan's songs but for some reason and work commitment, I have to put this web page aside for a while, hope that there is no war and the economic crisis can recover soon..., Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung! ^_^ 一直以來,我的心願是能把陳百強的歌詞網頁完成,然而因為一些私人及工作壓力,我不得不暫時把這里擱置一旁,愿世界沒有戰爭及希望經濟復甦。。。嗡瑪尼貝美弘! ^_^ *~*19/11/2002*~* So sorry that I have to stop the web page for awhile... Will continue when I recover from my computer problem... 對不起,网頁要暫停些日,一旦我的電腦疾復元,我將繼續它。。。 *~*10/10/2002*~* Now you can download Danny's song in wma format, but link maybe bad if site traffic is high, Sorry the bad thing of a free site ^_^ 現在可下載陳百強的歌曲(WMA),如果太多人登入网站可能會下載不到,抱歉!免費网站的缺點 ^_^ *~*20/08/2002*~* Updated webpages in this site: Song lyrics for Danny's 1988 album "冬暖" completed :} *~*15/07/2002*~* Updated webpages in this site: Aboutme - Deck of cards webpage... 已更新的網頁有﹕我的故事 - 橋牌網頁。。。 *~*08/07/2002*~* Updated webpages in this site: Besides Danny - Stephen Chow webpage, Zhu Hai Ling webpage, LA Boyz webpage, more coming... 已更新的網頁有﹕偶像 - 周星馳的網頁﹐朱海玲的網頁﹐洛城三兄弟的網頁等等等。。。 *~*03/07/2002*~* Song lyrics for Danny's 1988 album "神仙夜移民" completed :} *~*20/06/2002*~* Due to some restrictions in the web site, I'm unable to provide links for downloading of sorry... :( 只因免費網站的種種限制﹐我無法再提供下載歌曲的連接。。。萬分抱歉。。。十分無奈。。。﹕( *~*20/05/2002*~* Due to the hot weather, I feel so lazy that I decided to rest for awhile, webpage will be updated on Jul 2002. Sorry... :) 懶洋洋的五月天﹐懶洋洋的我﹐提不起勁去做網頁﹐唯有暫停至七月。。。歉意萬分 ﹕)
Thank you for visiting Danny Chan's web page... ^_^
Dated 30 May 1999