First Love... A Dedication to
Danny Chan...

In memory of the talented Hong Kong artiste
who'd passed away on 25 Oct 1993...

花 人

雖 生

芬 無

芳 常

終 豈

須 奈

落 何
Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). 俗 不

世 戀

凡 醉

塵 夢

今 空

朝 蹉

脫 跎
All is transitory in this fleeting world,
let me escape from it's illusions and vanities...
About the background music: 戀愛預告
can be found in his 1985 album "深愛著你"


L astly...

Thank you for visiting Danny Chan's web page... ^_^



Dated 30 May 1999