Links for Aladdin fans
These are some links to other sites you might enjoy
Updated July 19, 2008 to remove invalid links. (Alas!)
Here's a list of the Magic Carpet's Site latest updates
My Disney Valentine's Page
Here's a link to
The Disney Afternoon File Time!
(OMG! As of 7/19/08, it's still there!)
Deep in the wilds of the world wide web lurks a mysterious figure known only as:
The Heart of the Tiger
Check out his website --
(Or check it out if you like really cool art.)
PS -- Tell him I sent you, so he'll know that I'm still alive.
Sorry about that, Tiger!
The Stunned Horse Tavern
Here's a cool site, well worth a look.
This link goes to my
Aladdin Fan Fiction
This link goes to my
Magic Carpet Gallery
This link goes to my
Agrabah's Top Ten Lists!
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