
by Slash Priestess

Rated G


Ray stepped onto the back porch, pulling his jacket closed. He gave a quick glance around the backyard and sighed. Just as he had thought, Benny was out there, staring up at the darkening sky.

Chicago had received its first snowfall of the season two days earlier, and at first, Benny had been delighted, insisting that Ray accompany him on a walk while the snow was still falling.

But when Ray had picked Benny up from work yesterday, he had noticed a change in his mood. Ben seemed quiet and depressed, although he did his best to hide his downcast mood from Ray.

Even dinner tonight with Ray's family hadn't cheered Benny up the way it usually could.

Ray sighed again. It wasn't all that difficult to figure out what was bothering Benny. He was homesick.

Ray knew that the six inches of snow that had fallen over the crowded city could not compare to the deep, seemingly endless drifts that were already covering Ben's homeland. And it didn't help matters that most of the snow in Chicago had already turned an ugly brown color.

Ray watched as Benny drew in a deep breath, then slowly let it out. Ray swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and sighed. He wished he knew the words that would make Benny feel better, help ease his sadness; but he didn't.

Ray walked slowly down the steps of the porch and started across the yard. After taking just a few steps, Ray stopped and smiled. He didn't know the right words, but maybe he could cheer Benny up some other way.

Reaching down, Ray scooped up a large handful of snow. Packing the snow into a firm ball, Ray threw it at Ben.

As the snowball hit him on the arm, Ben jumped and looked over at Ray. "Ray, what are you doing?"

"It's called a snowball fight, Benny. Don't they have those in the Yukon?"

"Yes, Ray. Of course we do. It's just that-" Ben broke off as another snowball hit him squarely in the chest.

"Ray, really. Now you're simply being childish."

A third snowball exploded against Ben's shoulder. "Ray, for heaven's sake, would you please just..."

This time the snowball hit Ben squarely in the face; and he cried out loudly. Bringing both hands to his face, Ben turned away and doubled over.

"Benny!" Ray cried. He rushed over to his lover, his heart pounding. "Oh God, Benny, I'm sorry! Let me see. Is it-"

Ray broke off abruptly as he was hit with two fistfuls of snow.

Ray stumbled back a few steps. "What... what?"

"It's called a fake-out, Ray. Don't they have those in Chicago?"

"You... you... cheater!" Ray rushed forward and tackled Benny, and the two men fell to the ground, Ray landing on top of Benny.

Ray was about to say something when all words were abruptly forgotten as he felt a handful of snow dropped down his back.

"I'm afraid you're out-matched, Ray." Ben grinned up at him. "You may know about survival in the big city, but I'm the expert when it comes-" His words were cut off as Ray shoved a handful of snow into Ben's face.

Reaching up, Ben wiped the snow from his face and spit it out of his mouth. "You are going to pay for that, Ray Vecchio."

A very intense wrestling match ensued, with each man struggling to pin the other while simultaneously drop snow inside whichever article of clothing would be most uncomfortable.

Finally they came to a stop, Ray once again on top of Benny; both men weak and helpless with laughter.

Ben continued gazing up at his lover, the laughter in his eyes slowly being replaced by another gleam entirely; and Ray leaned down for a kiss.


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