Snapshot #25

He turned off the alarm and rolled over onto his back, stretching and yawning, and quickly regretted the stretching as his back gave a sharp stab of pain. Groaning softly, he rolled back onto his side and began massaging his back.

This was the last thing he needed today. He had a huge stack of reports on his desk, waiting to be typed up and filed. The thought of sitting in an uncomfortable office chair all day was not exactly enticing.

He sat up gingerly and continued massaging his back, thinking longingly of the ibuprofen tablets in the bathroom medicine cabinet.

He heard the sound of his lover's footsteps enter the room behind him, then falter. "Your back is hurting you?" Asked a worried voice.

"Yes," Ray nodded and glanced back at Benny with a small smile. "I must have slept on it funny or something."

Benny frowned. "Hold on, I'll be right back," he told Ray; then turned and hurried from the bedroom. A minute later he was back with a glass of water and two Advil and handed them to Ray.

"Thanks," Ray said gratefully, and swallowed the pills.

Benny took the glass from him and placed it on the nightstand. "Lay back down," he said quietly, and Ray obeyed happily, lying down on his stomach.

Benny ran his hands lightly down Ray's back, searching for the tender spot. "There?" He asked.

"No, a little lower," Ray said, then gasped as Benny's hands pressed against it.

"I'm sorry," Benny said, sounding upset.

"It's okay," Ray assured him.

Benny began massaging Ray's back, his touch firm yet gentle; and Ray sighed.

"I want you to take it easy at work today, Ray," Benny said.

"It's just a paper work day, Benny, not much can happen there."

"I want you to take it easy anyway."

"I promise, Benny. If any rogue paper clips or bottles of white out get out of control, I'll let another officer handle the situation."


Ray gave in with a grin. "I promise, Benny. I won't do anything to strain my back, and I'll be sure to take a few breaks."

"Thank you," Benny said.

The two men lapsed into silence, and Ray drifted close to sleep as Benny continued massaging his back. He was brought back to full wakefulness by the sound of Benny's voice.

"I know it's supposed to be your turn to make dinner tonight, but I want you to take it easy all day. So why don't you pick me up at the Consulate this evening, and I'll take you out to dinner?"

"That sounds like a good deal to me," Ray agreed readily. He smiled as he felt Benny's lips brush gently against the back of his neck. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad day after all.

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