Snapshot #22

Ben sighed as he walked down the street to his apartment. Today had been a trying day in a trying week. He had been stuck inside doing paperwork nearly all day, with brief breaks to stand guard duty in the hot summer sun and run some errands for Inspector Thatcher.

And it seemed that the weather was bringing out the worst in the citizens of Chicago. At least half the phone calls he had taken today had been from Canadian tourists who had been the victim of a crime. And the people he had encountered while he was out on his errands had been rude and surly.

Ben entered the apartment building feeling completely worn out.

Sometimes he felt like Chicago was getting the best of him. He longed to be back home, back in the cool, vast spaces of his own country, where the people he did encounter were at least happy to see him.

It was days like today when he felt as if his time in Chicago was being wasted, like he didn’t make any difference at all. It was days like today when he wondered why he stayed.

Ben entered his apartment and closed the door behind him, and felt his discouragement and weariness begin to fall away like magic.

Ray looked up from the stove, where he was busily preparing dinner. “Welcome home, Benny,” he smiled, coming over to embrace his lover.

Ben wrapped his arms around Ray’s waist and leaned into him; and he smiled as he remembered why he stayed.

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