Snapshot #20

Ray sighed and checked his watch for at least the tenth time that evening. Here he was at another reception at the Consulate, and it was the same as every other reception he had ever attended there.

The music was stale and boring, the food good and the wine excellent. The company left quite a bit to be desired, in Ray's opinion.

The crowd was mostly foreign delegates, talking about mundane subjects in weird accents. Why had he let himself be roped into this, anyway?

Then he spied a certain member of the Canadian delegation; and he remembered. The delegation member in question was clad in red serge, and he had brown hair and blue eyes and a smile that made Ray go weak in the knees.

Heaven knew this was one of the less dangerous and bizarre things he did for Benny. At least he was inside the building this time; and no one was shooting at him.

Ray thought of some of the other things he did for, and with, Benny and he smiled. He watched his lover move easily through the crowd, the longing and admiring stares of most of the women- and several of the men- following him. A feeling of love and pride and even possessiveness stole over Ray.

Let those other people look all they wanted. Benny was his. His. Ray Vecchio alone had the right to walk up to Benny and wrap his arms around his waist and hold him tight. To run his hands over that soft pelt, to kiss those beautiful lips; to snuggle close and whisper things to Benny that would make him blush beet-red.

The others could imagine and fantasize all they wanted; but Ray knew the reality. He knew exactly what it was like to have Benny in his bed; Benny's body above his, taut and sweating and straining.

He knew what it felt like to hold that warm, relaxed body next to him as they both drifted towards sleep. Ray knew the reality, and it was far better than any fantasy he had ever had.

And if he couldn't take Benny out onto the dance floor and hold him in his arms and dance with him like he wanted to, that had its upside as well. The forced secrecy of their relationship added a certain excitement to things.

Ray watched the guests who were trying to be subtle about the way their gazes hungrily followed Benny, and he smiled to himself. 'Oh, if you people only knew...'

Suddenly, Benny was at his side. "Hello, Ray."

"Hey, Benny."

"Are you having an enjoyable time?"

"Yeah," Ray grinned at him, "I'm having a great time."

"Good. That's good. Ray, when I approached you just now, you appeared to be about a million miles away. What were you thinking about?"

Ray looked at him with a smile. "Oh, just thinking private thoughts."

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