Fraser entered the squadroom and headed straight for "his" chair by Ray's desk and sank down into it with a grateful sigh.
Ray looked up and smiled. "You're finally free,Benny?"
"Yes, I have finished each and every last one of my duties at the Consulate, and I am free for the weekend."
"Me too," Ray said triumphantly, closing a file on his desk, "let's get the hell out of here. Where do you want to eat?"
Ben's answer was interrupted by the sound of a phone being slammed down and a curse. He and Ray both jumped and looked over towards Elaine's desk.
"Men!" The civilain aide spat, making it sound like another curse.
"Something wrong, Elaine?" Ray asked sweetly.
Elaine glared at him. "Yes, something is wrong! Remember Randy? Randy, who pursued me for weeks, pestering me for a date until I finally gave in?"
Ray and Ben nodded.
"Well, our date was supposed to be tonight, but he just called and canceled. Only two hours ahead of time! It seems a friend of his got some last minute tickets to the baseball game, right behind home plate.
"So Randy decided that he wants to have a 'boys night out', and he is sure that I understand. I understand all right."
"What in the hell is wrong with him? With men? Is that old saying true? Are all the best men gay?"
Ray and Benny looked at each other and smiled.
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