Snapshot #14

Benton Fraser stretched lazily in the bed. He could feel the sunlight across his body, and from the way it fell across his face he could tell that it was much later than his usual hour of rising.

He opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock. 8:30! This was not acceptable at all. Even though it was a Saturday and he didn't have to be at work, there were many things he should be doing. Such as... well, something more productive than just lying in bed, anyway.

Then Fraser turned his head to look at the man lying next to him. He smiled as he eyed the long, lean body pressed up against his.

Fraser ran a finger lightly down the long, elegant nose he loved so much, then traced his finger very gently over the eyelids hiding those beautiful green eyes that could say more to him than any words ever could.

He ran his hand over the soft, fuzzy, close cropped hair, and Ray sighed softly in his sleep and moved even closer against him.

Ben sighed happily himself, and laid back down. He didn't need to get out of bed just yet...

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