I've Found a Way

by Slash Priestess


This is my contribution to the Lyric Wheel challenge. Lyrics courtesy of Jenny, and they follow the story.

No warnings, except there is a truckload of sap ahead. I know you’re all stunned at that announcement.

Alliance legally owns these characters, and I make no claim to them by writing this story. This story is written for entertainment purposes only, and no money will be made.


Ray started and awoke to the sounds of loud music and voices from the street below. He was in Benny’s bedroom with the bedroom window wide open to let in the “fresh air”; so the fact that he could clearly hear the activity in the street below not surprising at all, but it was annoying.

He was about to get out of bed and yell at them to keep it down when he heard a car pull up, and a police officer break up the mini party. Ray’s eyes widened in surprise. A cop patrolling this neighborhood? He must be a rookie.

In the bed next to him, Benny mumbled and stirred slightly. Ray gently rubbed a hand up and down Ben’s back, and Benny sighed softly and settled against Ray’s shoulder; his breathing pattern resuming that of sleep.

Ray smiled happily to himself. If this had been only a few months earlier, Benny would have been wide awake at the first hint of noise- and probably jumping out of bed to get dressed and go outside and investigate the disturbance. The fact that he felt relaxed and comfortable enough to be able to remain asleep made Ray feel happy- and flattered.

Benny had told him just a few weeks ago that he had only started sleeping through the night after they had become lovers.

“I guess it must be that I have someone there to watch out for me should anything happen, and to keep me company,” Benny had said, looking shy and endearingly embarrassed.

Ray had wanted to make a teasing remark to lighten the mood, but he hadn’t been able to. All he had been able to do was smile at Benny like a lovesick sap. Which he was, if you thought about it.

And Ben’s sleeping habits weren’t the only thing that had changed as a result of being in love with Ray. Not that anything had been wrong with Benny before, but God, it was good to see him relax and have fun and enjoy life once in a while.

Just the other night, he had left the dinner dishes in the sink while he and Ray had watched the baseball game. Of course, he had insisted on washing them before going to bed, but it was still progress. Ray laughed softly and ran a hand through Benny’s hair.

Ben was also losing some of his traumatized shyness at Vecchio family dinners, enjoying the fierce and free-flowing discussions that always accompanied the food and drink. He even joined in occasionally, his polite debates still new and unsettling to the other members of the family, giving him a slight edge.

The way Fraser dealt with women had changed, too. When he encountered a woman making a pass at him- which was at least half of the women he met- he would smile politely and rebuff them gently. Gone was the flustered, stammering, helpless Mountie of the past.

And it wasn’t just the public Benny who was different. Alone with Ray, Benny laughed more often, teased and played with his lover, and smiled more frequently than Ray had seen in all the time that he had known him.

The fact that Benny attributed all these changes to Ray was something that Ray couldn’t quite understand. How one cranky, insecure, messed-up cop could have such a positive effect on someone’s life was beyond him, but Benny really believed it was the truth.

And the feeling that gave Ray was worth more to him than anything he could ever give to Benny. He wanted to give Benny more. He wanted to give Benny everything.

Eventually, he would. He certainly had long enough to try. Resting his cheek against Benny’s hair, Ray joined his lover in sleep.


At My Most Beautiful

by REM

I've found a way to make you, I've found a way a way to make you smile. I read bad poetry into your machine. I save your messages just to hear your voice.

You always listen carefully to awkward rhymes. You always say your name. Like I wouldn't know it's you, at your most beautiful.

I've found a way to make you I've found a way a way to make you smile at my most beautiful.

I count your eyelashes secretly. with every one, whisper I love you. I let you sleep. I know you're closed eye watching me, listening.

I thought I saw a smile. I've found a way to make you I've found a way a way to make you smile.

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