A Halloween Scare

by Slash Priestess


To an outsider, the scene in the Vecchio kitchen may have looked like chaos, but it was actually a well-orchestrated event. A Halloween party was set to begin in a little over an hour, and the final preparations were taking place. Everyone had an assigned task, and with the ease of experience, they knew how to complete their job and move around the kitchen without any collisions.

Even Benny had gotten the hang of it, and Diefenbaker was playing his part as well- lying under the table, keeping a watchful eye out for any scraps of food that might fall his way.

The party was for the neighborhood kids and Teresa and Tony Jr's school friends. Many of the parents were reluctant to let their kids go trick-or-treating, so they were going to the Vecchio house instead for a night of scary stories, scary movies and dinner and junk food.

Ray was just finishing making the sandwiches, Frannie was making the punch, Maria was keeping an eye on the dish of macaroni and cheese cooking in the oven, and Tony was upstairs helping his kids change into their costumes.

Rosa and Ben had been in charge of the snacks; and Ray smiled as he watched his lover carefully place freshly-dipped caramel apples on a sheet of wax paper. "They look good, Benny," he said, crossing the room to stand next to his lover.

"Thank you, Ray."

Ray eyed the rows of caramel apples. "Where'd you learn how to make those, anyway?"

"I learned from the master," Ben smiled.

"Your Grandmother?" Ray guessed.

"Of course. She said no scary story was complete without a good caramel apple to accompany it."

"Your Grandmother was a very wise woman, Benny."


"Come," Rosa said, clapping her hands. "We had better get changed now, so we'll be ready when the children arrive."

They all headed upstairs to change, Ray and Benny going into Ray's room. Ray was still somewhat reluctant to put on his costume; because it made him feel self-conscious and silly. But Benny had loved the costume, and insisted it was a perfect choice for Ray, so Ray had agreed.

He put on the white shirt and gray velvet pants and vest of the prince's outfit, then fastened the cape into place. The cape was made of burgundy velvet, and it was trimmed in white fur.

Ray looked at Benny and sighed. "Do I have to wear the crown?"

"Of course you have to wear the crown," Ben said. He picked up the crown from the bed and placed it carefully on Ray's head, adjusting it until it was perfect. "There," he said with a great deal of satisfaction.

"Sure Benny," Ray grumbled. "I have to wear this hot, fancy get-up all night, and you get off easy."

Ben just grinned at him. He was wearing black pants and a black turtleneck sweater, and he completed the outfit by tying a black mask over his eyes.

"I still can't believe you're going as a cat burglar," Ray said.

Ben shrugged. "Well, dressing in costume gives one an excellent opportunity to indulge in something they wouldn't in every day life."

"Yeah, I guess you can't try out your little burglar fantasy by breaking into peoples' homes and stealing things- you'd just wind up arresting yourself."

Ben looked at him seriously. "Maybe I'll indulge my fantasy by breaking into your house later tonight. Bedroom windows provide excellent access."

"I like this side of you Benny," Ray grinned. He took a step towards Benny, then sighed in frustration as he heard Rosa's voice summoning them.

They arrived downstairs to find the living room being over run by children. There were kids there in nearly every variety of costume. Ray counted three Spiderman outfits, a few cowboys, some ghosts, witches and one Sponge Bob Square Pants.

In half an hour Frannie and Maria had them more or less settled in front of the TV set, watching scary movies. The adults were kept busy providing snacks and drinks and breaking up little skirmishes that broke out.

The longer the movie lasted, the more restless the children became. It was a relief when the movie ended, and they could send the kids into the kitchen for dinner.

Most of the kids ran eagerly towards the kitchen, anxious for a good dinner. Ray and Benny stayed behind to urge along the stragglers. Tony Jr and his friend Frank were lagging behind the others. Both had dressed up as cowboys, and a "feud" had started between the two during the movie.

"Move along, pardner," Tony Jr. said, drawing his gun.

"You move along first, pardner," Frank said, pulling his gun and pointing it at Tony Jr.

Ray had been watching this exchange with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. He glanced over at Benny and frowned, noticing that his lover had suddenly gone pale. "Ray," Ben whispered.

Benny was not looking at Ray, though, and Ray turned to see what had so upset his lover. When he saw what Benny was looking at, Ray felt his own heart start pounding. The gun that Frank was holding, pointed directly at Tony Jr.'s chest, was real.

Ray moved slowly towards his nephew and Frank. "Hey, Frank, why don't you give me your gun while you go eat?"

"Not until Tony puts away his gun," Frank grinned, still enjoying the game.

At the same time Ray was moving towards Frank, Benny was edging closer to Tony Jr.

"No way! You're my prisoner!" Tony pulled the trigger of his gun and there was a faint clicking noise as the toy fired harmlessly.

"You're my prisoner," Frank said.

After that things seemed to happen in slow motion. Ray grabbed Frank's arm, yanking it upwards, and out of the corner of his eye he could see Benny making a lunge towards Tony Jr.

Ray heard a loud popping sound and a sharp cry from Benny, then everything was deathly quiet. Benny was lying on the floor and the two boys looked down at him, grinning; thinking he was playing along with their game. But when he didn't move, they started to look worried.

"Jesus," Ray whispered. He took the gun from Frank and put it on the mantle of the fireplace as Rosa and Frannie rushed into the room.

"Ray, what's-" Rosa stopped speaking and her eyes widened at the scene in front of her.

Somehow Ray made his voice sound light and cheerful. "Hey Ma, why don't you take these cowboys into the kitchen and get them some grub?"

"Is it okay?" Frank asked worriedly. "Is he..."

"It's fine," Ray assured him, standing in front of him to block his view of Benny. He forced a smile onto his face. "Go eat now, it's okay."

"Ray?" Rosa asked again.

"Just give the kids dinner, Ma, okay? Keep them in the kitchen for a while."

Rosa nodded, and after a last worried look towards Ben, she led the two boys from the room.

Ray whirled around and dropped on his knees next to his lover. "Benny?"

"Ray?" Ben whispered.

Ray felt weak with relief. "It's okay, Benny. I'm right here."

Benny was completely white, and Ray could see a stain spreading over his shoulder, even against the black of his sweater. He looked up at Frannie, who was still standing in the doorway. "Fran, go call 911."

She nodded and hurried from the room.

"Ray?" Benny whispered again.

"It's all right, Benny. An ambulance is on the way." Benny was lying on his side, and Ray eased him gently onto his back. "Just try to relax."

"Tony Jr." Ben gasped.

"He's fine," Ray assured him. "He's just fine."

"Thank God," Ben said, closing his eyes. "Frank?"

"He's okay too, Benny. Everyone else is okay."

"Okay," Ben whispered.

Ray untied Benny's mask and pulled it off him. As he did so, he noticed that Benny was shivering, and he frowned.


"Sssh, Benny, don't talk."

"You always tell me that," Ben said.

"Yeah, but this time I really mean it. Just stay quiet and save your strength."

Fran came back into the living room. "The ambulance is on its way."

"Thanks," Ray said. "Frannie, could you get me some towels? And a blanket. I think he's going in to shock."

Frannie nodded and hurried from the room.


"Ssssh, Benny. It's okay," Ray said, stroking Ben's hair.

"Ray. Please don't be alarmed, but I believe I'm going to-" He stopped talking abruptly as he passed out.

"Benny? Benny! Oh, God..." Ray sat on the floor cross-legged and gently placed Benny's head and shoulders in his lap. "Dammit Fraser, don't pull this bullshit with me," he ordered.

Frannie ran back into the room and handed Ray a small stack of towels and a blanket; and Ray couldn't help but notice the dark humor in the situation. Frannie was in costume as a nurse.

"What can I do now?" Frannie asked nervously.

"Could you wait outside for the ambulance and show them the way in when they get here?"

"Of course." Frannie hurried from the room again.

Ray pressed one of the folded towels to Benny's shoulder, then covered him with the blanket. "Come on, Benny. Please be okay," he whispered. He ran a hand through Benny's hair again and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Ben gave a quiet sigh and stirred slightly in Ray's lap.

"Benny?" Ray leaned down and brushed a light kiss against Ben's lips, and Benny's eyes blinked open and he looked up at Ray.

"Awakened by the kiss of Prince Charming," Benny whispered, a tiny smile on his face.

"Oh Benny. What am I going to do with you?"

Ben's smile deepened.

Ray lifted the blanket to check on Benny's wound, and he gasped when he saw that the towel was already soaked through with blood. He placed another towel over the first one and applied pressure. Benny made a quiet hissing sound, then was silent.

"I'm sorry, Benny," Ray said.

"It's okay." Ben frowned suddenly. "Ray, your pants."

Ray looked down and saw a large blood stain spreading over the leg of his costume. "Well, I guess it's not enough for you to just spoil my every day clothes anymore, eh Benny? You've had to branch out and ruin the clothes I rent for special occasions."

"Sorry," Benny whispered, but the smile was back on his face.

"You do realize that there's not a chance in Hell of me getting my deposit back now, don't you?"

"You can take the money out of the 'Fraser Fund.'" Ben said.

"How about you just be okay and we'll call it even?"

"I think that sounds fair."

Ray noticed that Benny was shivering again, and he covered him with the blanket.


"Benny, it's okay." He looked up as he heard the sound of the approaching siren, and saw the red lights of the ambulance splash over the wall and floor of the living room. "You see Benny? The paramedics are here. It's gonna be okay."

There was no answer, and Ray looked down at his lover. "Benny?" Ben was unconscious again, and Ray felt his stomach clench. "Come on Benny, you just hang in there a little bit longer."

Ray was forced to step aside as the paramedics worked on Benny, checking his vital signs and starting an IV and placing an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth.

Before long Benny was ready for transport, and Ray hurried to stand beside the stretcher.

"You going with him?" One of the paramedics asked, and Ray nodded.

Ray noticed that Benny was awake again, and looking up at him, and he smiled at him. "Hey Benny," he said quietly, reaching down and taking Benny's hand. Ben squeezed his hand weakly.

Ray turned to look at Fran. "Frannie..."

"Go," she said. "You go be with Benton. I have to take care of a few things here, but I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks, Fran," Ray said gratefully.

He followed alongside the stretcher and climbed into the ambulance, taking a seat on the bench inside. He kept a hold of Benny's hand all the way to the hospital, talking quietly to Benny the entire way. He wasn't sure how much of what he was saying Benny understood, though; he seemed to be only half-conscious.

When they got to the hospital, Ray followed the paramedics from the ambulance into the building. As he hurried along beside the stretcher, Ray noticed that he was getting odd looks from people. He glared back at them until he realized the cause of the stares. He was still in costume. It probably wasn't every day that the emergency staff saw someone in velvet and a flowing cape accompanying a patient.

He was stopped at the doors to the treatment room, given some forms to fill out, and pointed in the direction of the waiting room. He filled out the forms with a slightly shaking hand, then took them back to the admitting desk.

When he got back to the waiting room, he saw that Frannie was there and hurried over to her.

"Ray!" She hugged him, and Ray clung to her for a minute, then pulled away. "How is Benton?" She asked.

Ray shrugged. "I don't know. They're still examining him."

"All right," she said. "Let's have a seat, okay?"

Ray nodded and allowed Frannie to lead him to a row of chairs. As he sat down, his cape bunched up beneath him. "Godammit," he snapped. "I'm in a hospital waiting room, dressed in a velvet prince outfit. That's really appropriate. And comfortable."

"That's why I brought you a change of clothes," Frannie said calmly.

Ray looked at her and noticed for the first time that she had changed from her costume into jeans and a sweatshirt. "Thanks," he said quietly, embarrassed.

"No problem," she smiled. "The men's room is just down the hall. Why don't you go change?"

"Okay." Ray stared at his sister for a minute. As much as he ragged on her for being a scatter-brain, she had been anything but tonight. She had kept calm and kept her wits about her, and had been an enormous help to both him and Benny.

"What?" Frannie asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"Thank you," Ray answered, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Frannie blushed happily as Ray left the waiting room.

He entered the men's room and went into one of the stalls to change. He pulled off the cape and shirt and pulled on the sweater Fran had brought for him.

When he tried to remove his pants, he had difficulty. The right leg of his pants was sticking to his leg, stuck there by Benny's drying blood. Ray tugged and pulled and got the pants off, and he saw that his leg was covered with Benny's blood. For a moment, he was sure he would vomit.

He went to one of the sinks and washed his leg off, then wadded up the entire costume, shoving it to the bottom of the garbage can. Fuck it. He would just pay for the damn costume.

He pulled on his jeans, then leaned against the wall and drew a shaky breath. Moving back over to the sink, he splashed cold water over his face. Gripping the sides of the sink, Ray squeezed his eyes closed for a minute, then left the bathroom and headed back to the waiting room and his sister.

Ray sat in the chair in the waiting room, tapping his feet nervously. He had moved upstairs to the surgical waiting room about half an hour ago, after Benny had been taken into surgery.

The surgeon- a man with the unfortunate name of Dr. Graves- had talked with Ray briefly before going into the operating room. He had said something about Benny's axillary artery being torn, needing to repair the damage and stop the bleeding. Then he had said all the usual reassuring doctor things about Benny being young and strong and healthy, and how that would help him come through the surgery all right.

None of which helped make the waiting any easier. Ray wanted Benny out of surgery now. He wanted him safe and healthy, and he wanted to be with him. Ray sighed and shifted in his seat and looked around the waiting room. It was over half full- Halloween was a busy night for hospitals.

Frannie had gone to get them coffee, and Ray was just beginning to wonder what was taking her so long when she came back into the room. "Here," she said handing him a cardboard cup.

Ray took the coffee gratefully and drank about half the cup in two swallows.

"Here," Frannie said again, holding a sandwich out to him.

"No thanks," Ray shook his head.

"Look, I know a hospital cafeteria sandwich isn't the greatest dining experience in the world, but it's the best I could come up with."

"I'm not hungry, Fran."

She sighed. "Eat it anyway. You haven't had any dinner yet and-"

"I said I'm not hungry!" Ray snapped, interrupting her.

Frannie looked at him for a minute, then shrugged. "Okay, fine. Don't eat it. And when you faint from hunger, I'll tell Benton all about it in gory detail, and we can both laugh at you."

Ray grabbed the sandwich from her. "I hate you," he said, tearing off the wrapper.

"I know," she answered calmly.

Ray ate the sandwich- and a bag of potato chips- and finished his coffee. After that, he and Frannie waited silently, each lost in their own thoughts. As hard as he tried, Ray couldn't keep his mind from going back to the shooting, over and over again. He could still see the gun pointed right at his nephew's chest, hear the sound of the gunshot and Benny's cry, feel Benny's blood soaking through his costume and wetting his leg.

He started and looked up as he heard his name called, then jumped up and hurried over to Dr. Graves.

"Mr. Fraser came through the surgery just fine," the doctor told him. "Better than I had hoped for, actually."

A long sigh escaped Ray, and he felt Frannie's hand on his arm, squeezing him gently. "He's gonna be okay?"

"Yes," Dr. Graves smiled. "I was able to repair the artery and stop the bleeding- he did lose a fair amount of blood, however, so I'll want to keep him in the hospital for four or five days until he regains his strength, and mobility in his arm."

"Okay," Ray nodded. "Okay. Can I see him?"

"Yes," the doctor nodded. "Although he'll still be under the after-effects of the anesthesia, and the effects of the pain killers. He may not know you're there."

"He'll know," Ray said quietly.

"All right," Dr. Graves said. "He's still in the recovery room, but I expect we'll be moving him to his regular room within the hour. I'll have someone show you to his room when he's settled."

Ray nodded wordlessly.

"Thank you, doctor," Frannie said.

"Oh God," Ray sighed. He sank into the nearest chair.

"Ray?" Frannie asked.

"I'm all right," he assured her. "I'm all right, Benny's going to be all right, it's-" He broke off and buried his face in his hands.

Frannie sat down next to him and slipped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.

Ray sat in the chair next to Benny's hospital bed, watching him nervously. He hadn't expected Benny to look like his usual self, but he hadn't been expecting this.

Benny was lying flat on his back in the bed, a large bandage covering the wound in his shoulder, and his right arm was taped to his chest. He had IVs running into his arm, and a cannula was in place under his nose, feeding him oxygen. A blood pressure cuff was wrapped around his arm, and a plastic probe was in place over one of his fingers, keeping track of who knew what.

Ray wanted to hold Benny's hand, but with all the tubes and wires and contraptions, he was afraid to. So he just sat staring at Benny, telling himself that all the equipment was there to help Benny, and playing Dr. Graves' words of reassurance over and over in his mind.

Ray was getting extremely drowsy and was just thinking of going to look for a blanket and pillow for himself when he heard Benny moan softly. Ray leaned closer to his lover, his sleepiness forgotten.

"Ray?" Benny whispered.

"I'm right here Benny," Ray said quietly.

"Ray? Please Ray. I need you. Please."

"Benny," Ray said a little more loudly, "I'm here."

But Benny seemed to be caught in a bad dream. "Please, Ray. Help me." He shifted in the bed and moaned again, and his eyes blinked open. "Ray?"

"Right here," Ray smiled at him, and gently squeezed his upper arm.

Ben looked around the room. "Hospital?"

"Yes. You had surgery, remember Benny?"

"Not the Territories?" Ben whispered.

"No sweetheart, you were having a dream."

Ben nodded slightly. "A nightmare. We were at the cabin again, and I was out walking by myself. Somehow I got lost in the snow, and I collapsed. I was just lying in the snow, and I couldn't get up to start walking again. It was cold. So cold..."

He was shivering again, and Ray unfolded the blanket from the foot of the bed and covered Benny with it.

Ben gave him a tiny smile and continued his story. "When I was lying in the snow I was scared at first, but then I relaxed, because I knew you would be looking for me. I knew you would come looking for me, that you would find me."

Ray ran his hand through Benny's hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I will always find you, Benny."

Ben smiled at him, although it was obviously hard for him to keep his eyes open. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, Benny."

Benny sighed and fell back asleep, and Ray relaxed back into his chair.

Ray woke up with a start, and looked around in confusion. He wasn't in his bed. As a matter of fact, he wasn't in a bed at all. He gasped and sat up straighter in the chair.

"Good morning, Ray," a quiet voice said.

"Benny!" Ray exclaimed, jumping out of the chair to stand next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"All right, I suppose. Not as groggy as last night, thankfully." He gazed at Ray critically. "You look tired though."

"Yeah. Hospital chairs aren't as comfortable as I remember them being," Ray said, pulling the chair closer to the bed and sitting down.

Ben grinned, then his expression grew thoughtful. "Tony and Frank. They're really okay, right?"

"Yeah, Benny. They are. They weren't hurt at all. I talked to Ma last night after you got out of surgery. The kids were a little freaked out, but I don't think they fully understood what happened."

Ben nodded. "How in the world did Frank get a hold of a loaded gun?"

Ray shook his head in disgust. "His father had it in the drawer of his nightstand."

Ben's eyes widened in disbelief. "He- How could he do that? He has other children too, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he's got four kids, the youngest one is only 2."

"My God," Ben whispered.

"Yeah. The police who responded to the call gave him a good lecture about gun safety; but that's all they could do. He bought the gun legally, he's got all the right paper work, we can't touch him. It's too bad you can't arrest someone for being an asshole, or he'd get a life sentence."


"No, Benny! Dammit, the man kept a loaded gun in his nightstand! In a house full of kids! I don't care how much you lecture kids about guns and tell them not to touch them. Kids are kids, and they're going to play with them."

Ben shivered slightly. "This could have been so much worse, Ray."

Ray's mind flashed back to the sight of a loaded gun pointed at his 9 year old nephew, and he shivered himself. He looked back at Benny and ran his hand over Ben's hair again. "I know what you're saying, Benny; and I thank God that none of the kids were hurt. But on the other hand, it's really hard for me to see you lying in a hospital bed and see how things could be worse."

"Oh, Ray," Benny whispered. "I'm all right. I'm going to be fine, you know that."

"I know," Ray nodded, swallowing the sudden lump in his throat. "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't, Benny. I..."

"Sssh," Ben said softly, taking Ray's hand into his and squeezing it. "I am going to be okay." He smiled at Ray suddenly. "Do you know what would help me feel better, though?"


"A kiss."

"A kiss?" Ray echoed, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. A kiss from Prince Charming."

"I never should have gotten that stupid costume," Ray groaned. "And in case you haven't noticed, Benny, I'm not even wearing the costume any more."

"You don't need a costume, Ray. You're always my Prince Charming."

"Oh God Benny, that's gotta be the painkillers talking."

"Not at all Ray."

Ray sighed and shook his head. He started to speak, but Ben wouldn't let him.

"Are you going to argue with me Ray, or are you going to give me a kiss?"

"I'd never argue with someone when they're in a weakened position. It wouldn't be polite."

"I'm very glad to hear that." Ben smiled happily as Ray leaned forward and kissed him.


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