Well the next line of Beast wars toys will be Beast Machines.
Beast Machines will be made after the new series which is a fresh new season for Beast Wars. You can probally expect a whole new look for them. Rumour has it that each character will have a toy for every size. So you could buy a Cheetor as a Basic, deluxe, mega, ultra, or even super.
Canada has all 3 of the first wave basic transmetal 2's which include Optimus Minor, Scarem, and Sonar.
The first 3 of the deluxe transmetal 2's have been out for a while now, but there is still no sign of transmetal 2 Cybershark.
There are alot of Fuzors and Transmetals on the shelves being cleared out now.
In Sears and the Bay they have many of the following toys left, Manterror, Drillbit, Airazor, Razorclaw, Magnaboss and Tripredacus.
The USA right now has all of the first wave deluxe and basic transmetal 2's along with transmetal 2 Cybershark.
The Lukis Bros. at Unicron.com have picked up transmetal 2 Scourge and Prowl in Minnisota. Transmetal 2 Megatron, Spittor, and Stinkbomb have been seen in California.
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