Hey, My name's Crystal
ArE YoU LoSt?!
Click on "GO TO..." to find the part of my life you want to nose around in for awhile (If there's something I don't have here, and you REALLY want to see me work to get it here, TELL ME in my guestbook, that's what it's for!)
If you're looking for recent Journal Entries please visit www.livejournal.com/users/lilwafergal
I signed up on 03/04/99 06:49:23 and I'm working on moving in.
It is now:
E-mail me at lilwafergal@yahoo.com in the meantime. And don't you DARE leave without signing my guestbook! I want to know you were here! You better visit often, too!
One-80 Youth Entertainment Magazine
If you didn't know, I'm Chief Municipal Editor (for the Georgina Editorial Bureau) of One-80 Mag. The most current edition can be found HERE! GO LOOK! Read it all, there's stuff by me in there, and maybe someone you know too! READ IT NOW!
CrYsTaL's VoTiNg BoOtH
** NEW FUN STUFF!!!: Love DRINKING GAMES? Love STRIPPING GAMES? LOVE Crystal and Jared?! Then you'll absolutely LOVE Crystal and Jared's new game - Shots For Dear! Be Warned: NOT for the Cheap Drunk!!
**EVEN NEWER THAN NEW!: This past summer, Jared and I attended Toronto Pride 2003 - Check out our pics, and watch for our interesting adventures HERE!
**EVEN MORE NEW: I decided to add a LIBRARY of all my "good" writing from the past couple of years. Some stuff you might actually learn something, some stuff is just fun. Check it out, but be nice - I'm sensitive about my writing LoL!
**BRAND SPANKING NEW: After about FOUR years of being un-operational, the GUESTBOOK is now back in action with a brand new look and everything (no more blinding neon green!) SIGN AWAY NOW!
**RainForest Cafe - Pics from my and Jared's Birthday Party June 2002!!! COMING SOON: Pics of Crystal and Jared's Birthday Party 2003! Keep Checking Back!
**Behind the Scenes - Pics from the last day of Canada's Wonderland's show Graveyard Shift
**Now playing: Crystal Gets Reel - - Movie Views and Reviews
**Are you special yet? Make sure your pic is in the Gallery! Don't see your smiling face? Send me a pic, already!
**Gotta have it: Crystal's Current Addictions - - All my faves of the moment (includes pics!) WARNING: Needs to be updated LOL!
Visit the websites my friends work their butts off to put up JUST FOR YOU!
Dragon World Z - This is my bud Chris' site..GO if you love anime!
More anime! This is Jordanne's Sailor Moon Shrine =)
Jewels by Jules..what did I tell you?! GO NOW! It's fun I PROMISE!
Check out these too! For more links, check under "GO TO..." for "LINKS"
If you're a friend of mine, I know you'll appreciate this: Download Sheet Music HERE
Funny Screensavers are HERE at GibbleGuts.Com
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Feel Special Now?
All information contained on and within this website is mine. You may not use it without my permission for any reason whatsoever. However, I'm a nice person..just ask! Crystal's Room © 1999 - 2003 lilwafergal@yahoo.com
since March 4, 1999!
Crystal's Room was last updated on: MaY 24, 2k4