Hanson Track Of The Month: "Where's The Love"
With Cupid's favorite holiday right around the corner, there's no better time to listen to one of Hanson's most romantic hits.
Hanson Activity: Now that old man winter is definitely on the prowl, take advantage and invite your best pals over for an all-Hanson slumber party! Serve lot's of Tay's fave drink, Dr. Pepper, some Twinkies for Zac and popcorn for the more health-conscious Ike and get gabbing about your favorite guys. Don't forget to braid each other's hair like Zac and watch Hanson's home videos, "Tulsa, Tokyo & The Middle Of Nowhere" and "The Road To Albertane" at midnight!
Hanson Fact: Celebrate the arrival of Hanson's newest sibling! Why not have a little birthday cake for the tiniest Hanson?