"Lesley Gilb Taplin"
"Music, Entertainment, Food,Drinks"
Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:30-9:30
Adjacent Free or Reduced Parking
Adjacent to Cal Trans Building, New Police Headquarters,just South of Los Angeles City Hall Lesley Gilb Taplin was one of the original founders of the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council. Along with Qathryn Brehm,now Director, Marketing & Community Relation for the Central City East Association, canvas the Downtown, South Park, Bunker Hill, Skid Row, Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Olvera Street, the Arts District. First educating the Los Angeles Charter change authorizing "Neighborhood Councils, then assembling a group willing to create By-Law required to establish a neighborhood council. No template existed for the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, no existing homeowers association, no community booster organization...City Hall, Councilmembers and bureaucrats provided little support for the formation of these "Neighborhood Councils." The "first" election and then, the "second" following the by-laws, allowed the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council to be one of the first certified under the then new City Charter. Seeded with $50,000 a year, the organization now know as D-LANC, famously gave a horse to the Los Angeles Police Department, followed with video and still cameras, recording equipment for the interview room, a battering ram. (One of the these video cameras tape the drop off of a homeless on Skid Row from a hospital, shown around the world, ultimately initating $Millon Law Suites relating to the treatment of homeless in the City of Los Angeles...these drops came as far as Riverside and San Bernadino.) With additional seed money funded the Skid row 3 on 3 Basketball League ("More than a Game"), clean-ups and murals. Business computers were refubished at Trade Tech and given to 9th Street Elementary. Gallery Row down Spring Street and up Main was started with four (4) galleries, blossoming into 28 galleries and growing, and a 2nd Thursday ArtWalk nights drawing thousands to Main and Spring, when the nights only brought substance abusers, primps and prostitutes and the related activities. Remember the pre-Bratton days of East Downtown Los Angeles? The "Skid Row Camera Club" again seeded with DLANC purchases, has recorded many of these changes. .) On April 14, 2009 at the Los Angeles Tower Theater, the three Downtown Councilmembers, Huizar, Reyes and Perry formerly recognized the seven year contribution of the Los Angeles Downtown Neighborhood Council to the social and developmental fabric of our Downtown Los Angeles. Lesley Gilb Taplin was an advocate as art and hard work as a motivator for social change and one of the original founders of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council.
Explored the wonders of a few of Downtown LA's bars, Saloons, lounges and speakeasys
American Budwiser Pub Crawl Wed April 1st, 2009 8 PM
starting with $1.25 Budwiser toasts at The King Edward SaloonClick Saloon Name Past Exploration of a few Downtown L.A.'s secret bars, lounges and speakeasys
A good one started Saturday, June 28th, 2008Starting at 9 PM [2100 hours]   Tour Director - Thomas "TK" Nagano,with special guests e-Mail: MrDowntownLA@hotmail.com
T K�s (213) 621-7665
"Downtown LA Open Hours Pub Crawl Sat June 28th 2008 (Walking Tour) comfortable shoes recomended"
"and just think how much gasoline you'll save."
2K8 OK TK Nagano and can be reached at MrDowntownLA@hotmail.com
e-Mail: MrDowntownLA@hotmail.com
T K�s (213) 621=7665
"Downtown Los Angeles Saloons (Walking Tour) comfortable shoes recomended. Suggested parking at Golden Gopher Lot off Hill
and just think how much gasoline you save.
Downtown Speakeasy Walk
King Eddy Saloon
Golden Gopher
Orchid �O� Hotel
Hank's SaloonDowntown's oldest neighborhood Bar
Broadway Bar
Lazy Eye Kitty
75th Anniversary End of Prohibition walking pub crawl of Downtown Los Angeles
Golden Gopher, The King Eddy Saloon, El Zarape
Manny Aguirre pours a Martini...Musso and Frank's Grill. He was named "Bartender of the Year" Southern California Restaurant Writers 2005-2006. He holds court every afternoon from 3 PM to 8 PM, Tuesday though Saturday. "Stirred not shaken"
Downtown Art Walk The Second Thursday of Every Month in Downtown Los Angeles
The Downtown Art Walk is a self-guided tour that showcases the many art exhibition venues in Downtown Los Angeles � commercial art galleries, museums, and non-profit arts venues.
Free Art Walk DASH buses run 7�10 pm on Art Walk nights. Last bus leaves at 9:45 pm. The route is north on Main, South on Spring from 2nd to 9th Streets. Route is also indicated on the map.
The Art Walk map may also be used as a guide to the area art galleries throughout the month:
Participating Galleries (galleries may change as fortunes may very) The Museum of Contemporary Art LA Artcore Center 2nd Street Cigars and Gallery Art Slave M. J. Higgins Morono Kiang Gallery bank Continental Crewest The Regent Gallery Pharmaka Art Los Angeles Center for Digital Art El Nopal Press Bert Green Fine Art INMO Gallery Red Dot Gallery Niche.LA Video Art Kristi Engle Gallery Art Murmur 626 Gallery groundfloor@santeecourt Gallery Waugh Infusion Gallery Gallery 727 The Hive Gallery City Center Gallery Museum of Neon Art Gary Leonard Grey Goose Downtown Art Gallery
Membership in Lazy Lush Club LLC included
Your food and your beverages are your responsibility, just like your consumption of booze.
Mr Downtownla reports: (213)621-7665