Things I hate. 1. Long lines. 2. Ronald Macdonald. 3. Homework assignments I understand. I'll explain* 4. Anoying people. 5. Captian Crunch 6. Being good 7. Things that work 8. Things that don't work. 9. Thing that should work but don't. 10. Thing that work but are not ment to work because they aren't machines. 12. Side Effects. 13. People who wear clapping hats. 14. Fat people who wear to small cloths 15. People who wear to big cloths. 16. People who know me and say hi all the time. 17. People. 18. Slow computers 19. Computers. 20. My computer. 21. Books. 22. Books I've read. 23. Books I should read but never will. 24. Books I havn't read. 25. MILK!!!!! *If I understand it I have to explain to my mother. If I don't I have no Homework for the night. |