Welcome to Michyla's Web Page

You are vistior # since March 14, 1999.


I am currently enrolled at Delisle Composite School in Delisle, Saskatchewan, Canada. I originally designed this web page for my Computer Science 10/20 class last year, but I still change things from time to time, so feel free to visit frequently.


Things I love include horseback riding, running, and playing volleyball and basketball. For more information about my basketball team, click here. I also love barrel racing, and have been competing in it for 9 years, since I was seven. To visit the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association, the club I race in, click on the picture below of the barrel racer, or click here. Right now I'm having fun working with an energetic 4 year old palomino Quarter Horse gelding, training him for barrels. I also purchased a sorrel yearling about a month ago, so it'll be interesting to start training him in the spring.


My Resume

Visit my Maze!

mailboxE-mail me at: michylag@hotmail.com

These are some of my friends' web sites:

happy faceMorgan's Page happy faceJarid's Page
happy faceKristina's Page happy faceJames's Page
happy faceJacey's Page

Click here to go to my school's web page.

These are some of my favourite pages:




spurThe American Quarter Horse Association



buttonThe International Lyrics Server


Sandhills Stable

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