,O Beware! O'

You have encountered the EVIL TWIN of Matt Heffernan's Homepage.

A little history of this page:

I originally constructed this page entirely with vi: a dumb terminal text-editor that makes Microsoft Notepad look like Adobe Pagemaker. It was on a different server than the rest of my site back when I was in college, thus an EVIL TWIN of my main page. Before I graduated, I consolidated my website onto one of my school accounts. However, this changed the address of my main page to what used to be the address of this page. In short, this page went from being "index.html" to just "evil.html" in the same directory. Since graduation, this site has moved a couple times, but this page was always in the same directory as the main page. Also, I stopped using vi to edit the page once I moved it because I no longer had telnet access. So besides not being a twin anymore, it wasn't even evil. I finally acted on an idea for this page: put it on Geocities. Now it's no longer on the same server, and Geocities is plenty evil! At last, this page has the right to be called an EVIL TWIN again.

Here's some EVIL links:
Mail me! matt@slithy.com

Last Updated on January 7, 2004